A very useful feature of Grafana is the ability to display dashboards and playlists on a large TV.
This provides a utility to quickly standup a kiosk on devices like a Raspberry Pi or NUC.
The utitilty provides these options:
- login
- to a Grafana server (local account)
- to a grafana server with anonymous-mode enabled (same method used on play.grafana.org)
- to a hosted grafana instance
- switch to kiosk or kiosk-tv mode
- display the default home page set for the user
- display a specified dashboard
- start a playlist immediately (inactive mode enable)
Additionally, an initialize option is provided to configure LXDE for Raspberry Pi Desktop.
Download the zip or tar file from releases
The release file includes pre-built binaries. See table below for the types available.
OS | Architecture | Description | Executable |
linux | amd64 | 64bit | grafana-kiosk.linux.amd64 |
linux | 386 | 32bit | grafana-kiosk.linux.386 |
linux | arm64 | 64bit Arm v7 | grafana-kiosk.linux.arm64 |
linux | arm | ARM v5 | grafana-kiosk.linux.armv5 |
linux | arm | ARM v6 | grafana-kiosk.linux.armv6 |
linux | arm | ARM v7 | grafana-kiosk.linux.armv7 |
darwin | amd64 | 64bit | grafana-kiosk.darwin.amd64 |
windows | amd64 | 64bit | grafana-kiosk.windows.amd64.exe |
Extract the zip or tar file, and copy the appropriate binary to /usr/bin/grafana-kiosk:
# sudo cp -p grafana-kiosk.linux.armv7 /usr/bin/grafana-kiosk
# sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/grafana-kiosk
- URL to a Grafana server
- designates the URL as a playlist, allowing instant "inactive" user vs waiting for the timeout
(default anon)
- anon (anonymous)
- local (local user)
- keycloak (supports OTP)
- gcom (Hosted Grafana)
used with local, gcom and keycloak login methods
used with local, gcom and keycloak login methods
used with keycloak login method
used with local and anonymous login methods
- full (no sidebar, top navigation disabled)
- tv (no sidebar, top navigation enabled)
- disabled (sidebar and top navigation enabled)
scales panels to fit the display (default is true)
- true
- false
enables initialization of LXDE
specifies home directory of LXDE user (default $HOME)
The kiosk can also be started using a configuration file, along with environment variables. When using this option, all other arguments passed are ignored.
kiosk-mode: full
autofit: true
lxde: true
lxde-home: /home/pi
login-method: anon
username: user
password: changeme
playlist: false
URL: https://play.grafana.org
ignore-certificate-errors: false
grafana-kiosk -c config.yaml
Environment variables can be set and will override the configuration file. They can also be used instead of a configuration file.
fit panels to screen (default "true")
initialize LXDE for kiosk mode (default "false")
path to home directory of LXDE user running X Server (default "/home/pi")
[full|tv|disabled] (default "full")
ignore SSL/TLS certificate errors (default "false")
URL is a playlist (default "false")
[anon|local|gcom|keycloak] (default "anon")
password (default "guest")
KIOSK_URL string
URL to Grafana server (default "https://play.grafana.org")
username (default "guest")
This will login to a Hosted Grafana instance and take the browser to the default dashboard in fullscreen kiosk mode:
./bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://bkgann3.grafana.net --login-method gcom --username bkgann --password abc123 --kiosk-mode full
This will login to a Hosted Grafana instance and take the browser to a specific dashboard in tv kiosk mode:
./bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://bkgann3.grafana.net/dashboard/db/sensu-summary --login-method gcom --username bkgann --password abc123 --kiosk-mode tv
This will login to a Hosted Grafana instance and take the browser to a playlist in fullscreen kiosk mode, and autofit the panels to fill the display.
./bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://bkgann3.grafana.net/playlists/play/1 --login-method gcom --username bkgann --password abc123 --kiosk-mode full --playlist --autofit
This will login to a grafana server that uses local accounts:
./bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://localhost:3000 --login-method local --username admin --password admin --kiosk-mode tv
If you are using a self-signed certificate, you can remove the certificate error with --ignore-certificate-errors
./bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://localhost:3000 --login-method local --username admin --password admin --kiosk-mode tv --ignore-certificate-errors
This will take the browser to the default dashboard on play.grafana.org in fullscreen kiosk mode (no login needed):
./bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://play.grafana.org --login-method anon --kiosk-mode tv
This will take the browser to a playlist on play.grafana.org in fullscreen kiosk mode (no login needed):
./bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://play.grafana.org/playlists/play/1 --login-method anon --kiosk-mode tv
The --lxde
option initializes settings for the desktop.
Actions Performed:
- sets profile via lxpanel to LXDE
- sets pcmanfs profile to LXDE
- runs
xset s off
to disable screensaver - runs
xset -dpms
to disable power-saving (prevents screen from turning off) - runs
xset s noblank
disables blank mode for screensaver (maybe not needed) - runs
to hide the mouse
The --lxde-home
option allows you to specify a different $HOME directory where the lxde configuration files can be found.
LXDE can start the kiosk automatically by creating this file:
Create/edit the file: /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
/usr/bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://bkgann3.grafana.net/dashboard/db/sensu-summary --login-method gcom --username bkgann --password abc123 --kiosk-mode full --lxde
Alternatively you can run grafana-kiosk under screen, which can very useful for debugging.
Create/edit the file: /home/pi/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
screen -d -m bash -c "/usr/bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://bkgann3.grafana.net/dashboard/db/sensu-summary --login-method gcom --username bkgann --password abc123 --kiosk-mode full --lxde"
Create/edit the file: /home/pi/.config/autostart/grafana-kiosk.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://bkgann3.grafana.net/dashboard/db/sensu-summary --login-method gcom --username bkgann --password abc123 --kiosk-mode full --lxde
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=screen -d -m bash -c /usr/bin/grafana-kiosk --URL https://bkgann3.grafana.net/dashboard/db/sensu-summary --login-method gcom --username bkgann --password abc123 --kiosk-mode full --lxde
# sudo touch /etc/systemd/system/grafana-kiosk.service
# sudo chmod 664 /etc/systemd/system/grafana-kiosk.service
Description=Grafana Kiosk
ExecStart=/usr/bin/grafana-kiosk --URL <url> -login-method local -username <username> -password <password> -playlist true
Reload systemd:
# sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable, Start, Get Status, and logs:
# sudo systemctl enable grafana-kiosk
# sudo systemctl start grafana-kiosk
# sudo systemctl status grafana-kiosk
journalctl -u grafana-kiosk
A Makefile is provided for building the utility.
This will generate executables in "bin" that can be run on a variety of platforms.
- Support for OAuth2 logins
- RHEL/CentOS auto-startup
- Everything in issues!
- Michael Pasqualone for the session-based startup ideas!
- Brendan Ball for contributing the desktop link startup example for LXDE!
- Alex Heylin for the v7 login fix - and also works with v6!
- Xan Manning for the ignore certificate option!