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Questing Bots 0.2.0 (Alpha 2)

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@dwesterwick dwesterwick released this 06 Sep 02:58
· 537 commits to master since this release

Updates from the 0.1.1 Release:

  • Quests now have min/max player levels to limit which bots can perform them. Min level is defined by the maximum of the level required for the quest and all of its prerequisites, and max level is determined adding a number to the minimum level, which is defined by an array in config.json.
  • Basic custom quests can now be implemented to specify locations for bots to go. Quests can have multiple objectives. See quests\standard\woods.json as an example.
  • The bot quest-selection system has been changed and now factors in distances between quest objectives and the bot. See the README for more details.
  • Implemented a new system to allow multiple steps for an objective (i.e. go to a locked door, unlock it, then go into the room). However, this system is not fully utilized yet.
  • Allow bots to repeat certain quests after a specified delay (i.e. to simulate them hunting in hot spots)
  • Added a minimum distance for the spawn-point-wander quest to encourage bots to travel further between objectives
  • Reduced the chance that a bot will select the spawn-point-wander quest (30% -> 15%)
  • Made bots check for loot less frequently (by ~50%)
  • If debug.enabled=true, write a CSV containing quest information to the *log* directory at the end of each raid. The CSV will contain information about all possible quests and which bots were actively doing them, had completed them, or had failed to complete them.
  • Fixed NRE when the bot's brain type cannot be determined.
  • Fixed spawn-rush quest not being restricted to the beginning of the raid as intended
  • Optionally show spherical outlines of loot items for which valid nearby NavMesh positions cannot be found
  • Lots of refactoring, but a lot more is still needed

Known Limitations:

  • A lot more tuning will be needed to get bot movement correct
  • The only maps that are properly utilizing the new questing system are Woods and Factory (Day and Night). All other maps still work, but bot pathing will be more predictable and less realistic compared to the 0.1.1 release.
  • If the mod fails to load all quests, it will keep retrying. That will result in a massive memory leak, and the game will quickly crash. Sorry. At least it'll be obvious that something isn't working correctly.

This mod REQUIRES DrakiaXYZ's BigBrain and Waypoints mods. It is NOT compatible with AI Limit, AI Disabler, and similar mods.

This is an alpha release and is still under development. Bot quest-selection will likely change in the future. Please review the list of quirks and features in the README to understand the mod's current capabilities and limitations.

If you experience a problem that isn't in the known-issues list in the README, please create an Issue here or let me know in Discord.