Questing Bots 0.2.1 (Alpha 2.1)
Updates from the 0.2.0 Release:
- Implemented customs quests for Customs to improve bot pathing variety
- Added more custom quests to Factory
- Added time limit for bots to spend on a single quest (300s by default)
- Reduced the chance of bots selecting the "spawn point wander" quest from 15% to 5%
- Improved compatibility with Custom Raid Times and Immersive Raids
- Added debug option to enter Labs for free, even as a Scav (disabled by default)
- Fixed PMC spawn delays during Scav raids when using Late to the Party
- Fixed performance issues when the PMC spawn count is 0 during Scav raids when using Late to the Party
- Remove custom quest objectives if the positions in them are too far from valid NavMesh positions. If all objectives are removed, remove the quest too.
- Bug fix for freezing when raids end
- Bug fix for bots constantly trying to choose quests after they spawn (a source of performance issues for the first ~60 seconds of raids)
- Bug fix for bots not being able to repeat repeatable quests
config.json files from the 0.2.0 release are compatible, but debug.free_labs_access will always be false, and bot_questing_requirements.max_time_per_quest will always be 300.
Known Limitations:
- A lot more tuning will be needed to get bot movement correct
- The only maps that are properly utilizing the new questing system are Woods, Customs, and Factory (Day and Night). All other maps still work, but bot pathing will be more predictable and less realistic compared to the 0.1.1 release.
- If the mod fails to load all quests, it will keep retrying. That will result in a massive memory leak, and the game will quickly crash. Sorry. At least it'll be obvious that something isn't working correctly.
This mod REQUIRES DrakiaXYZ's BigBrain and Waypoints mods. It is NOT compatible with AI Limit, AI Disabler, and similar mods.
This is an alpha release and is still under development. Bot quest-selection will likely change in the future. Please review the list of quirks and features in the README to understand the mod's current capabilities and limitations.
If you experience a problem that isn't in the known-issues list in the README, please create an Issue here or let me know in Discord.