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Questing Bots 0.9.1 (Alpha 1)

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@dwesterwick dwesterwick released this 10 Feb 03:20
· 10 commits to master since this release


Gameplay Changes:

  • Added adjustments to EFT Scav spawns when using the Questing Bots spawning system (#44):
    • Added a Map Fraction for Scav Spawning Exclusion Radius slider in the F12 menu that adjusts how close Scavs are allowed to spawn to human players, PMC's, and player Scavs. The map size is first calculated by searching for the longest distance between any two spawn points, and then the exclusion radius is determined by multiplying this distance by the slider value. Using the default slider value of 0.1, this means Scavs cannot spawn within ~100m of you on Customs but only ~17m of you on Factory. Higher values may overly restrict Scav spawns, while lower values have a higher risk of Scavs spawning near you.
    • Added a Permitted Scav Spawn Rate slider in the F12 menu that adjusts how many total Scavs are allowed to spawn by a certain point in the raid. The purpose of this is to limit Scav respawns so that you can continue to find them later in the raid, but you won't be fighting endless waves of them. The total Scav limit is calculated by: [ bot cap for the map ] * [ slider value ] * [ fraction of time elapsed in the raid ]. This is set to 4.0 by default (meaning that by the end of the raid, the number of total Scavs that are allowed to spawn is 4X the map's bot cap).
    • Added a Threshold for Scav Spawn Rate Limit slider in the F12 menu to define how many Scavs can spawn before the Permitted Scav Spawn Rate limit will be enabled. The purpose of this threshold is to ensure the map is initially populated before Scav respawns are blocked. This is set to 15 by default.
    • Added a Max Alive Scavs slider in the F12 menu to limit the number of Scavs that can be alive at the same time on the map, which includes assault, assaultGroup, cursedAssault, and marksman Scavs. This is set to 15 by default.
    • Added a Enable Scav Spawn Restrictions checkbox in the F12 menu to allow you to disable the new Scav spawn limitations if you still want the vanilla PvE experience.
    • Added a bot_spawns.non_wave_retry_delay_after_blocked setting in config.json. If any Scav spawns are blocked due to the Permitted Scav Spawn Rate or Max Alive Scavs settings, EFT's checks to see if more Scavs should spawn will be delayed by this number of seconds (180 by default). This setting replaces the bot_spawns.non_wave_bot_spawn_period_factor setting in previous releases.
  • When using the Questing Bots spawning system, register PMC's and player Scavs as actual players in EFT to prevent Scavs from spawning near them
  • Reduced the desirability of EFT quests from 60 to 55
  • Reduced the desirability of boss hunter quests from 40 to 35
  • Allow bots using PmcBear and PmcUsec brain types to quest
  • Reverted when PMC conversion chances are adjusted from the /client/game/start endpoint back to when the plugin loads. This will allow future versions of Realism (>1.5.0) to work with the Questing Bots spawning system without having to make any configuration changes.
  • Bug fix for crashing or freezing when loading into raids if a custom trader mod is used that has quests with prerequisites containing circular references to other quests. (#43)
  • Bug fix for incessant exceptions when the BotObjectiveManager component is not disposed when a bot is disposed (due to an error). This is mostly seen on Fika servers. (#46)
  • Bug fix for bot group members attacking bots that are separated due to being stuck or healing for too long (#47)

Code Changes:

  • Revised the abstract bot generator class to prevent bot-generator instances from overriding Unity's Awake and Update methods. Instead, these methods call new methods (Init and Refresh, respectively) that must be implemented in each bot-generator instance. This is a breaking change for any spawn mod that uses the Questing Bots spawning system as its framework!
  • Set the maximum generated bot count for bot generators in the Awake method instead of the constructor
  • Moved the PendingSpawnPoints list into the abstract bot generator class because it's needed for all instances of it
  • Changed the method patched when activating bots from method_11 to method_10
  • Added a placeholder method for continuously updating the BotZone for a bot group to prevent its members from running away when their questing is paused. This is currently disabled and will be implemented in a future release.
  • Reorganized patches into multiple namespaces
  • Minor refactoring
  • Removed obsolete code

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.