wiz-form is an AngularJS directive which provides a super simple and easily extensible wizard. It's not a form by necessity so... pending rename?
wiz-form supports the following:
- Automatically calling a function at the end of the wizard
- 'ReadyCheck' to determine whether the user should be able to proceed to the next step (expression/function)
- Error messages on failed ready-check
- Next/Previous/Finish button text override
- Step naming
- wizard-meta allowing access to internal wizard info, current step index, total number of steps and 'name' of the current step, as well as controlling the form by changing wizardMeta.activeStep / activeStepName
- Everything optional with (hopefully) reasonable defaults
Happy to hear suggestions on the direction of wiz
bower install wiz-form
That'll do the trick. If you're looking for a specific version check the tags on this repo and tack it on the end e.g.
bower install wiz-form 0.0.4
Then just whack it in your module...
angular.module('myModule', [
And you're ready to use it.
<p>This is step one!</p>
<p>This is step two!</p>
That's it. Wizard complete. We can customize it to our will if we like!
<h1>{{ wizardMeta.activeStepName }}</h1>
<wiz-form wizard-meta="wizardMeta">
<wiz-step name="Step One!">
<p>This is step one!</p>
<wiz-step name="Step Two!">
<p>This is step two!</p>
That'll show the name of the active step in the h1 tag at the top. We can also access the current step and step counts through wizard-meta too, which is two-way bound. Changes you make to the wizardMeta activeStep and activeStepName will affect the wizard's state.
If we wanted to use a progress bar instead of a title, we could look at the Bootstrap bars...
<div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar"
aria-valuenow="{{ wizardMeta.activeStep }}"
aria-valuemax="{{ wizardMeta.totalSteps }}">
<wiz-form wizard-meta="wizardMeta">
Or something to that effect.
We can display errors and disable the next button with the ready-check property for wiz-step.
<wiz-form wizard-meta="wizardMeta">
<wiz-step ready-check="myValidation()">
<p>This is step one!</p>
<wiz-step name="Step Two!">
<p>This is step two!</p>
By returning an Object with an 'error' member on our scope, we can specify an error message to be displayed.
myValidation = ->
if somethingIsValid()
return {}
return { error: "You dun goof'd!" }
Room for refinement on that one.
We can also rename our buttons, too
<wiz-form wizard-meta="wizardMeta">
<p>This is step one!</p>
<wiz-step next-text="GO!" previous-text="UNGO!">
<p>This is step two!</p>
We can also specify a on-finish attribute at the wiz-form level
<wiz-form on-finish="saveData()">
It works with ngRepeat
<wiz-form on-finish="saveData()">
<div ng-repeat="foo in bars">
{{ foo }}!
Or your own directives...
<wiz-form wizard-meta="wizardMeta">