Resonate Core PostgreSQL is a collection of libraries and a build system written at Resonate to reliably develop, maintain, and deploy multi-terabyte PostgreSQL database clusters.
The sample is designed to run as a Vagrant VM. You'll need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox to get started. Once they are installed change to the repo directory and run:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /resonate/build
Now we'll perform a full build by running the following:
That's it - now there is a database called sample_dev with some data in sample.sample_table.
It's possible to rebuild the database:
ant execute.rebuild
Be careful as this will drop the old database before creating the new one.
Updating a database is a complex topic, but here's a simple example:
ant -Drelease=release2 -Drelease.update=release1 execute.update
This update simply adds more data to sample.sample_table but much more complicated updates are possible.