Fault-tolerant distributed systems play an important role in many critical applications. However, concurrency, uncertain message delays, and the occurrence of faults make those systems hard to design, implement, and verify. PSync is a framework for writing and verifying high-level implementations of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms. PSync is based on the Heard-Of model and provides communication-closed rounds as primitive, which both simplifies the implementation of the fault-tolerant systems, and makes them more amenable to automated verification.
The name PSync comes from partial synchrony a model for distributed system that makes it possible to provide an illusion of synchrony even though the underlying system may not be always/fully synchronous.
Starting with an algorithm from the literature which usually looks like that Charron-Bost, Schiper 09:
1: Initialization:
2: x_p := v_p // v_p is the initial value of p
3: Round r :
4: S_p :
5: send x_p to all processes
6: T_r :
7: if | HO (p, r) | > 2n/3 then
8: x_p := the smallest most often received value
9: if more than 2n/3 values received are equal to x then
10: decide( x )
For the cost of turning the algorithm it into a sightly different syntax, PSync provide a distributed runtime and tools to automatically check the correctness of the algorithm. The same consensus algorithm that runs in PSync looks like:
abstract class IO {
val initialValue: Int
def decide(value: Int): Unit
class OtrProcess extends Process[IO]{
var x = 0
var decision = -1 // for the specification
var decided = false // for the specification
var callback: IO = null
def init(io: IO) = i{
callback = io
x = io.initialValue
val rounds = phase(
new Round[Int]{
def send(): Map[ProcessID,Int] = {
broadcast(x) //macro for (x, All)
def update(mailbox: Map[ProcessID,Int]) {
if (mailbox.size > 2*n/3) {
x = minMostOftenReceived(mailbox)
if (mailbox.filter{ case (k, msg) => msg == x }.size > 2*n/3) {
decided = true
decision = v
} ) } } } }
The Process are then wrapped in an Algorithm
which may also contain a specification.
For the one third rule algorithm that solves the consensus problem, it may look like:
class OTR extends Algorithm[IO, OtrProcess] {
import SpecHelper._
val V = new Domain[Int]
val spec = new Spec {
val goodRound: Formula = S.exists( s => P.forall( p => p.HO == s && s.size > 2*n/3 ))
val livenessPredicate = List( goodRound, goodRound )
val invariants = List[Formula](
( P.forall( i => !i.decided )
|| V.exists( v => {
val A = P.filter( i => i.x == v);
A.size > 2*n/3 && P.forall( i => i.decided ==> (i.decision == v))
) && P.forall( i => P.exists( j1 => i.x == init(j1.x) )),
V.exists( v => {
val A = P.filter( i => i.x == v);
A.size == (n: Int) && P.forall( i => i.decided ==> (i.decision == v))
&& P.forall( i => P.exists( j1 => i.x == init(j1.x) )),
P.exists( j => P.forall( i => i.decided && i.decision == init(j.x)) )
val properties = List[(String,Formula)](
("Termination", P.forall( i => i.decided) ),
("Agreement", P.forall( i => P.forall( j => (i.decided && j.decided) ==> (i.decision == j.decision) ))),
("Validity", P.forall( i => i.decided ==> P.exists( j => init(j.x) == i.decision ))),
("Integrity", P.exists( j => P.forall( i => i.decided ==> (i.decision == init(j.x)) ))),
("Irrevocability", P.forall( i => old(i.decided) ==> (i.decided && old(i.decision) == i.decision) ))
def process = new OtrProcess
The client code that uses a such algorithm is:
//setup the service
val option: psync.runtime.RuntimeOptions = ??? //the list of peers and other parameters
val rt = new RunTime(options, defaultHandler(_)) //manage the connections, resources, etc.
rt.startService //open socket, connect to the other peer if using TCP, etc.
val algorithm = new OTR(tr)
//run the algorithm for one decision
val init = Random.nextBoolean
val io = new ConsensusIO {
val initialValue = Random.nextInt
def decide(value: Int) {
Console.println("decision is " + value)
algorithm.startInstance(0, io) //the 1st parameter is the ID of the instance
//an handler for unexpected messages
def defaultHandler(msg: Message) {
msg.release //unused messages must be released
//graceful shutdown
A given RunTime
can run many instances and algorithms in parallel.
However, the ID must be different for each instance.
Complete working examples are located in src/test/scala/example
PSync is in development.
Currently the runtime is fairly stable. However, we are still woking to improve the performance.
The verfication part is in an early stages and currently only works on a small set of examples. Currently broken (while we move toward a more robust encoding of the mailbox w.r.t the cardinality constraints).
This project requires java 8 or newer. You can build it using sbt. To install sbt follow the instructions at https://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Setup.html.
Then, in a console, execute:
$ sbt
> compile
> test:compile
To use the scripts in the test_scripts
folders, you need to run utils/generateClassPath.sh
after the first compilation.
If the dependencies changes you may need to re-generate the class path.
To use it in another project, the following should work.
In your build.sbt
add the following two lines:
resolvers += "jitpack" at "https://jitpack.io"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.dzufferey" %% "psync" % "master-SNAPSHOT"
To easily run the example in an UNIX-like environment, you can use the test_scripts/runLockManagerTest.sh
By default the configuration file use is the one in src/test/resources/sample-conf.xml
The default configuration uses 4 replicas running on the local host.
For the replicas, in four different consoles run the following commands:
./test_scripts/runLockManagerTest.sh -id 0 -p 8888
./test_scripts/runLockManagerTest.sh -id 1 -p 8889
./test_scripts/runLockManagerTest.sh -id 2 -p 8890
./test_scripts/runLockManagerTest.sh -id 3 -p 8891
To spawn a client and connect in to the first replica:
./test_scripts/runLockManagerTest.sh -c -p 9000 -ra -rp 8888
The client will then send one request each time you press the enter key.
The scripts depends on test_scripts/deps
for getting the appropriate dependencies in the classpath.
The script should work for a *nix machine.
Depending on your OS and configuration, you may need to update this file.
The code for the the verification is very much a proof-of-concept.
It has not been updated to support EventRound
In the popl16_artifact branch (file index.html
), there is an explanation about using the built-in verifier.
The extraction of formula from the code occurs during the compilation.
It is disabled by default.
To enable this, run sbt as sbt -DenableVerification=true
Here are some references about how PSync works.
- Programming at the Edge of Synchrony, Drăgoi et al., OOPSLA 2020
- PSync: A Partially Synchronous Language for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms, Drăgoi et al., POPL 2016
- The Need for Language Support for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems, Drăgoi et al., SNAPL 2015
- A Logic-based Framework for Verifying Consensus Algorithms, Drăgoi et al., VMCAI 2014
What we used to the evaluations in the papers above is available at
- OOPSLA 2020: https://github.com/dzufferey/resync_oopsla20_artifact
- POPL 2016: https://github.com/dzufferey/psync/tree/popl16_artifact
- VMCAI 2014: https://github.com/dzufferey/dzufferey.github.io/tree/master/consensus
The POPL 2016 paper has been implemented pretty much as described.
However, there are some small discrepancies between the OOPSLA 2020 presentation and it's implementation.
The progress option are described as stateful operation in the paper, the implementation require the return value of a round's method to indicate the progress.
The progress values combines combines timeout and catch-up specification in a single value.
More details about the progress values are in the file Progress.scala
Both the closed (POPL 2016) and open (OOPSLA 2020) rounds coexist in the implementation.
The closed rounds are called Round
and open rounds are called EventRound
Both version are defined in Round.scala