Author: | Bill Bushey |
Contact: | Bill Bushey <[email protected]> |
Date: | 2013-10-25 |
Organization: | E-Democracy |
Copyright: | This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License by E-Democracy. |
This egg provides the 2014 skin for
The E-Democracy skin is a custom implementation of the skining system provided by gs.content.css, and takes cues from other implementations provided by and gs.content.css is itself based on Twitter Bootstrap.
This egg also includes Yamm, a third party mega menu implementation for Bootstrap. Yamm's CSS is included in site.css, and it's license is in Yamm-LICENSE.txt.
These are the standard links of the site. They appear nearly everywhere - user content, site navigation, static content, group meta content, sidebars, menus, footers, etc...
Selectors: | a |
Description: | Dark blue text (#135A87) | No background | Underline |
CSS: | background: none; color: #135A87; text-decoration: underline; |
Selectors: | a:hover |
Description: | White text | Dark blue background (#135A87) | No underline |
CSS: | background: #135A87; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; |
Selectors: | a:visited |
Description: | Purple text (#533A77) | No background | Underline |
CSS: | background: none; color: #533A77; text-decoration: underline; |
Hovering Visited
Selectors: | a:visited:hover |
Description: | Purple background (#533A77) | White text color | No underline |
CSS: | background: #533A77; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none; |
Less important links and information. For example: keywords, disabled buttons.
Selectors: | .muted |
Description: | Like the regular text, but grey |
CSS: | color: #999; |
In the templates/css folder:
yui-compressor --type css --charset UTF-8 -v -o site-min.css site.css
Tim Leisio performed the design work. Michael JasonSmith coded the CSS and created the eggs which are a foundation for the E-Democracy skin. Bill Bushey coded the E-Democracy specific CSS and created this egg.
- Code repository:
- Questions and comments to
- Report bugs at