Release v0.6.0
Main changes covered in the release
- RIHA-Producer has been merged with RIHA-Browser. All Producer services can be called through RIHA-Browser's API /api/v1/
- Pageviews can be tracked through Google Analytics
- Deployment documentation has been modified and now includes configuration for LDAP and ID-card login
- RIHA-Browser supports adding new infosystems based on the active institution of the authenticated user
Completed user stories
- As an owner of an infosystem I can see all the fields that are empty or undefined in the infosystem detail view
- As an end user I can only see the fields that have been filled in the infosystem detail view
- As a developer I can only use RIHA-Producer services through RIHA-Browser
- As an authenticate user I can see my active institution (role) in the header
- As an authenticated user I can change my active role
- As an owner of an infosystem I can only see my own infosystems under /Kirjelda
- As an end user I cannot see any infosystems under /Kirjelda
- An an owner of an infosystem I can see the detail view of my new infosystem right after creating it (instead of returning to the list view)
- As the administrator of RIHA-Browser I can see the ID code of the person who created or modified an infosystem from the system logs