This library is supposed to aid in creating e-commerce software in Ruby. In the future we want to support all “good” payment gateways.
This library is the foundation of commerce for
Please visit the ActiveMerchant homepage for more resources, tutorials and other information about this project.
The ActiveMerchant Wiki contains a table of features supported by each gateway.
Authorize.Net CIM - US
Authorize.Net - US
Barclays ePDQ - UK
- - CA
BluePay - US
Braintree - US
CardStream - GB
CyberSource - US
DataCash - GB
Efsnet - US
Elavon MyVirtualMerchant - US, CA
ePay - DK
E-xact - CA, US
Federated Canada - CA
FirstPay - US
Garanti Sanal POS - US, TR
Inspire - US
InstaPay - US
Iridium - UK, ES
JetPay - US
LinkPoint - US
Merchant e-Solutions - US
MerchantWare - US
Modern Payments - US
Moneris - CA
Netaxept - NO, DK, SE, FI
NetRegistry - AU
NETbilling - US
Ogone DirectLink - BE, DE, FR, NL, AT, CH
Orbital Paymentech - CA, US
PayBox Direct - FR
PayJunction - US
PaySecure - AU
PayPal Express Checkout - US, CA, SG, AU
PayPal Payflow Pro - US, CA, SG, AU
PaymentExpress - AU, MY, NZ, SG, ZA, GB, US
Plug’n Pay - US
Protx - GB
Psigate - CA
Quantum - US
Quickpay - DK, SE
Rabobank Nederland - NL
Realex - IE, GB
Sage Payment Solutions - US, CA
Sallie Mae - US
SecureNet - US
SecurePay - AU
SecurePay - US
SecurePayTech - NZ
SkipJack - US, CA
Stripe - US
TransFirst - US
TrustCommerce - US
USA ePay - US
Verifi - US
Wirecard - DE
WorldPay - AU, HK, GB, US
Direct-eBanking / by Payment-Networks AG - DE, AT, CH, BE, UK, NL
Valitor - IS
Currently this library is available with git from:
You can check out the latest source from git:
> git pull git://
ActiveMerchant includes an init.rb file. This means that Rails will automatically load ActiveMerchant on startup. Run the following command from the root directory of your Rails project to install ActiveMerchant as a Rails plugin:
> ./script/plugin install git://
Installation from RubyGems
> gem install activemerchant
require 'rubygems' require 'active_merchant' # Use the TrustCommerce test servers ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test # ActiveMerchant accepts all amounts as Integer values in cents # $10.00 amount = 1000 # The card verification value is also known as CVV2, CVC2, or CID credit_card = :first_name => 'Bob', :last_name => 'Bobsen', :number => '4242424242424242', :month => '8', :year => '2012', :verification_value => '123' ) # Validating the card automatically detects the card type if credit_card.valid? # Create a gateway object for the TrustCommerce service gateway = :login => 'TestMerchant', :password => 'password' ) # Authorize for the amount response = gateway.purchase(amount, credit_card) if response.success? puts "Successfully charged $#{sprintf("%.2f", amount / 100)} to the credit card #{credit_card.display_number}" else raise StandardError, response.message end end
Please see the ActiveMerchant Guide to Contributing for information on adding a new gateway to ActiveMerchant.