A truffle project to deploy an ERC1820 Registry for Permissioned Chains.
npm install -g truffle
npm install
Edit truffle-config.js and add networks
truffle migrate --network your-network
On deployment you will see the contract that it has been deployed to. Use this address to initialse the Asset Token contract deployment.
Ganache network
- Run Ganache network
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 --name ganache trufflesuite/ganache-cli:v6.9.1 --gasLimit 0xFFFFFFFF
- Deploy ERC1820 Registry contract
docker run --network="host" -t eastata/erc1820-registry
- Run Ganache network
Autonity or other networks with custom settings
- Create custom ./truffle-config.js file in local dir.
Deployment will use network
- Deploy ERC1820 Registry contract
Any options for truffle migrate could be used
docker run -v "$(pwd)"/truffle-config.js:/app/truffle-config.js --network="host" -t \ eastata/erc1820-registry \ deploy -- --f 2 --describe-json
- Create custom ./truffle-config.js file in local dir.
Deployment will use network