This is a take-home coding challenge used to help evaluate candidates interested in joining the team at Generation. The goal is for candidates to complete the coding challenge before the in-person interview so that we can discuss the solution together. In cases where this is not possible, we may discuss the solution together over a followup phone call.
We expect that the exercise will take anywhere from 2-5 hours to complete depending on your familiarity with React and with the GoogleMaps API.
We understand that this is a significant amount of time so we really appreciate the effort you put into it.
Any way you want - email us a zip, a link to your personal repo, etc. Please include a couple screenshots of the app.
Feel free to submit a solution that meets the requirements, but without using React. React is an important part of our stack and you'll be using it every day so it's important that you're excited to learn it! If you don't know React and you're able to learn the basics in order to complete the exercise, we'll be impressed :)
Clone the repo on your computer
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3000
Read the intro and next steps on localhost:3000
Edit src/YourComponent.js
Your changes will appear without reloading the browser like in this video.
This boilerplate project is a mirror plus a few additions from gaearon's react boilerplate (