- foundry: 1a4960d 2024-03-20T00:19:54.542150000Z
- mc: 257d4f5
- solidity: 0.8.24
- A DAO with ERC-7546 UCS, it means DAO plugin architecture.
- RCV voting for text diff review.
- No more google docs for DAOs.
- Any groupware would be acceptable for daily discourse.
- But decision making over treasury and law must be on this DAO.
- TDD with
forge test
- Run
anvil --chain-id 1
- Prepare
forge script script/Deployment.s.sol --rpc-url --broadcast
forge script script/Filler.s.sol --rpc-url --broadcast
solc --standard-json < extractor/solcSlotRequest.json > ~/Downloads/astnode.json && cat ~/Downloads/astnode.json | jq . 1> ~/Downloads/astnodeFormatted.json
forge script script/SlotTester.s.sol --rpc-url --broadcast
cast storage --chain=1 --rpc-url 0x4826533B4897376654Bb4d4AD88B7faFD0C98528 1
cast storage --chain=1 --rpc-url 0x4826533B4897376654Bb4d4AD88B7faFD0C98528 0xeb29eb983a061a3feb4d4d7a2bced0182db2198396ce3beb0ace67382563d6e4
(ProposeStorage.proposals[0].tallied[0] for ERC-7201 dynamic base slot)npx ts-node extractor/main.ts
- ProposeOp({JoinPassOp, arg1, arg2})
- if no collateral then revert
- pick Reps and let them vote
- MajorityVoteForForksOp
- Assume there exist just a few vote options.
- ExecuteOp
- ProposeOp(XxxPassOp, [...aFewPassOpParams])
- MajorityVoteForInspectionOp
- A nice params need to be provided to RCV to mimic majority voting
- pick Reps
- MajorityVoteForProposalOp
- ExecuteOp
- ProposeOp([{TextSavePassOp, pid, textId, [textURI1, textURI2]}, {XxxPassOp}])
- MajorityVoteForInspectionOp
- pick Reps
- ForkOp([textURI3, textURI4]) // TextSavePassOp, pid, and textId are to be omitted?
- RankedChoiceVoteForForksOp(fid, [...ranks])
- onlyReps
- TallyForksOp
- ExecuteOp
- TextSavePassOp() // modeling https://gist.github.com/shogochiai/fc636df8c13be967f37884acf8e8f6f3
- ex) ProposeOp(AddBotPassOp, botAddr)
--- Common Util Ops
- You have to proetct inspectors from
- onlyMemberOrDoxxedOrAnonWithColl
- Member and Doxxed
- rate limit per person per day
- Anon
- Need collateral
- Member and Doxxed
- onlyRepsOrBot
- no need collateral
- rate limit per person per day
- limit share
- rate limit per person per day
- Check executable condition for all voting types
- RCV: the 1st winning fork is to be executed.
- Majority: RCV with only 1 choice and only 1 session.
- QV: RCV with credit and many options.
- SubmitTallyOracleDataOp
- VetoTallyOracleOp
- SetTallyOracleOp
- If you want QV
- it means your want a cool donation system, rather DAO
- then use
- then use
- it means your want a cool donation system, rather DAO
- ChainLink VRF
- /src/nouns/verbs structure is mandatory
- verbs belong to a noun
- nouns are mutually relatable
- A protocol is the set of nouns
forge test