Explore and download free games effortlessly. Your gateway to endless gaming adventures!
Here listed a series of problems/noticable thing during the development.
Font Grabled
Image List Detail
Game Star list
Index game list crash
The font grabled in the previewer, but later when we use real device to test it go back to normal.
The aim is to design a scrollable image list, there are 2 parts: top image(Show image screenshot detail with a big size), small list list preview(The direction is horizontal with small size). When we click the small list image item, the top big image should be changed, and the screenshots also change automatically with 5s delay.
The idea is to define a common state variable @State selectedIndex: number = 0
and use it in both small image list and the top detail image.
// Image screenshot detail
Row() {
if (this.screenshots[0] !== undefined) {
// Small image list
List({ scroller: this.scroller, initialIndex: this.selectedIndex }) {
ForEach(this.screenshots, (item: ScreenShot, index: number) => {
ListItem() {
Column() {
if (this.selectedIndex == index) {
} else {
.onClick(() => {
this.selectedIndex = index
.cachedCount(3) // render 3 image in cache
THe idea is to define a timer, and when the index changed to the last page, use module sign %
to trace back to the first page.
aboutToAppear(): void {
// Timer:Change to next image with 5s delay
private startAutoSwitch() {
if (this.screenshots.length > 0) {
this.intervalId = setInterval(() => {
this.selectedIndex = (this.selectedIndex + 1) % this.screenshots.length;
}, 5000);
// Clear timer
onDestroy(): void {
if (this.intervalId !== null) {
To make a star list, the idea is similar with Time Around World
app, we need to make a global stared list, and label Stared
for each stared game.
First we define the star list as following:
PersistentStorage.persistProp<GameDetails[]>('staredGames', [])
To use in the page, and locally create a @State
decorated variable isStared
@StorageLink('staredGames') staredGames: GameDetails[] = []
@State isStared: boolean = false
In aboutToAppear
phase, we call this.staredGames.some
method to check if current game is stared or not
aboutToAppear(): void {
const params: RouterParams = router.getParams() as RouterParams;
this.game_id = params.game_id;
const source = new GameDataSource();
source.fetchHttpCode().then(async (code) => {
this.httpCode = code;
if (code === 200) {
this.gameDetail = await source.GetGamesDetail(this.game_id);
this.screenshots = this.gameDetail.screenshots;
this.min_system_requirements = this.gameDetail.minimum_system_requirements;
// 检查是否已收藏
this.isStared = this.staredGames.some((item) => item.id === this.gameDetail.id);
} else {
console.error('Failed to fetch data: HTTP Code', code);
To unstar current game use filter
method in list
Image(this.isStared === true ? $r('app.media.icon_stared') : $r('app.media.icon_not_stared'))
.onClick(() => {
// Each game can only be stared once
this.isStared = !this.isStared
if (this.isStared) {
} else {
// Remove game from stared list using filter
this.staredGames = this.staredGames.filter((item) => item.id !== this.gameDetail.id);
// Test stared game list data
// this.staredGames.forEach((item) => {
// hilog.info(23, 'stared games', `${item.title}`)
// })
Program crash when we rapidly slide the game list, hilog says it's image render problem
Column() {
// Add if statement to avoid program crash
if (item.thumbnail) {
Image(`${item.thumbnail || ''}`)
.onClick(() => {
url: 'pages/GameDetail',
params: {
game_id: item.id
Use ForEach
instead of LazyForEach
to render game list