This package is implements a feature which enables you to send product email to customer directly from product's datagrid via admin panel.
- Select products from datagrid and email to customers.
- Easy installation.
- Instant support.
- Bagisto v0.1.7 or higher.
Inside packages directory make another directory 'Ecommvu'.
Inside the directory 'Ecommvu' make another directory 'ProductEmail'.
Copy content of this repo inside 'ProductEmail' directory.
Do entry in composer.json in psr-4 object:
"Ecommvu\\ProductEmail\\": "packages/Ecommvu/ProductEmail/src"
- Do entry in config/app.php, inside providers array preferably at the end of it:
- Run command below:
- composer dump-autoload
Proceed if there are no errors encountered
- php artisan route:cache
Hurrah, you are all set to use the module just goto admin panel -> catalog -> products.