An enhancement to Specflow DSL to be able to use dynamic test data in specflow steps by bringing in variables, regular expressions and simple calculations.
[[ ]] //double bracket in any text will trigger pattern matching
[[varName=value]] //will create a variable named "varName" with value "value"
[[varName]] //will get value of "varName", throw an error if "varName" is not defined
[[varName=RegEx(patternText)]] //RegEx() is a keyword that value is generated from patternText
How it works:
It actually creates key/value pairs in ScenarioContext.Current.
So be careful not to conflict with your own context variables.
- Create dynamic test data and refer it in another step
When enter [[var=50]] //assign 50 to a variable named "var"
Then [[var]] equals 50 // now get variable "var" value
- Create dynamic test data using regular expression
When enter [[var=RegEx([0-9]{3})]] //assign var with 3 digit random number
Then [[var]] is a 3 digits number // now get variable "var" value
- Same applies to SpecFlow tables:
When create new user with the following details:
|Field | Value |
|UserName| [[name=RegEx([a-z]{5,8})]] |
|Password| [[pwd=RegEx([a-z]{3}[0-9]{3})]] |
Then verify can login with username="[[name]]" and password="[[pwd]]"
- Support customerise transformation
for example, you want to map Today to YYYY:MM:dd, add the following code in one of your Specflow steps
or put it in BeforeScenario step.
.addTransformer(s => s.ToLower() == today ? DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") : s);
Now in Specflow feature files, you can write:
When entered "[[timeVar=Today]]" //timeVar will be assigned to yyyy/MM/dd, e.g 2017/12/04
- Calculations are currently NOT supported but it can be done by customerisation as shown in project Examples
- SpecFlow v2.1 +
- Fare 1.0.3 +
License: MIT (
Install plugin from NuGet into your SpecFlow project.
PM> Install-Package SpecFlow.DSL
That's it!!!
Your project's App.config file will be automatically added the following lines to enable plugin:
<add name="SpecFlow.DSL" type="Runtime"/>