A tiny collection of helpers for obtaining and processing iCal feeds in JS.
This isn't currently published to NPM but you can require it by using a Git url style reference in your package.json:
npm install --save https://github.com/edwardsnjd/ical-utils
Then require and use the utils:
const {map,filter} = require('lodash/fp');
const {getCalendar,filters,transforms,getCalendar,utils} = require('ical-utils');
const CALENDAR_URL = 'https://www.nasa.gov/templateimages/redesign/calendar/iCal/nasa_calendar.ics';
.then(map(transforms.fieldsToMoments('start', 'end')))
The functions are exposed in groups:
const icalUtils = require('ical-utils');
// icalUtils
// .getCalendar = () => {...}
// .getCalendarFile = () => {...}
// .filters = {...}
// .transforms = {...}
// .utils = {...}
View the source for details of these areas.