Library approach to use a 4 digit 7 segment display on Arduino Platform
4dig7seg.h - Library for controlling 4 digit 7 segment display.
Created by Efe Cihan Cigdem, October 29, 2017.
Released into the public domain.
Example code and library code is provided.
In order to use it, place header and souce code into Arduiono Libraries folder located in your computer. For the futher usage take a look at the example code.
digit1 => 2 - Pin 12 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 2
digit2 => 3 - Pin 9 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 3
digit3 => 4 - Pin 8 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 4
digit4 = >5 - Pin 6 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 5
segA => 6 - Pin 11 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 6
segB => 7 - Pin 7 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 7
segC => 8 - Pin 4 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 8
segD => 9 - Pin 2 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 9
segE => 10 - Pin 1 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 10
segF => 11 - Pin 10 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 11
segG => 12 - Pin 5 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 12
segH => 13 - Pin 3 on 4 digit display to Arduino pin 13