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A Scriptable script for adding IOS widget that displays count of followers on Bilibili and YouTube.
This script requires a Google API Key to fetch the YouTube channel data which needs to be done first by following: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started, otherwise, ignore this step.
Then modify below fields in the scripts to your owns:
- NAME: your channel name.
- CHANNEL_AVATAR_URL: the URL of your channel logo, you need to get this with the Browser inspector.
Below field is required if you have a Bilibili channel, otherwise, comment them out:
- BILI_UID: your Bilibili channel UID.
Below fields are required if you have a YouTube channel, otherwise, comment them out:
- YT_API_KEY: your Google API Key for YouTube.
- YT_CHANNEL_ID: your YouTube channel ID.
Next, follow the below steps to set up in Scriptable:
- Download Scriptable in the app store on your phone.
- Create a new script in Scriptable.
- Paste the modified code in the script, and save it.
- Back to the home screen, long hold and add the Scriptable widget, choose the script you just created.
*Please note you need to have network access to YouTube before you can see the data of your YouTube channel.