This boilerplate provides a decent quick start for a brand new project and is built on a Vue CLI + Vue Bootstrap 4.3 foundation. It's based on my own experiences and needs. You might be finding some useful things and some useless, so, just take what you need.
If you're more looking for a production ready boilerplate, I advise you to consider using Vuesion. You could also take a look at the Nuxt.js framework.
But if you're starting with Vue.js or JavaScript or even with code in general or if you just need a skeleton, this one could be a good start.
clone <project-name>
cd <project-name>
npm install
npm run serve
The app is browsable under the http://localhost:8080/
npm run build
I've created this boilerplate for my own purposes but if you feel like you want to contribute and improve it, then feel free to do it!
If you discover a security vulnerability within this boilerplate, please create a pull request if possible. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
- Create a Wiki to describe the project, installed packages and the specs (axios repository, vuex store modules)
- Implement Cypress tests
- Add comments, more comments!