- it should be use NestJS Framework Or ExpressJS With TypeScript
- it should be use Swagger as API Documentation
- it should be use Database (SQL/NoSQL)
- it should be open sourced on your github repo
- Implement DDD Pattern
- Implement Unit Testing
- Feel free to add some structure or plugins
- Member
- Book
- Members can borrow books with conditions
- Members may not borrow more than 2 books
- Borrowed books are not borrowed by other members
- Member is currently not being penalized
- Member returns the book with conditions
- The returned book is a book that the member has borrowed
- If the book is returned after more than 7 days, the member will be subject to a penalty. Member with penalty cannot able to borrow the book for 3 days
- Check the book
- Shows all existing books and quantities
- Books that are being borrowed are not counted
- Member check
- Shows all existing members
- The number of books being borrowed by each member
- Books
code: "JK-45",
title: "Harry Potter",
author: "J.K Rowling",
stock: 1
code: "SHR-1",
title: "A Study in Scarlet",
author: "Arthur Conan Doyle",
stock: 1
code: "TW-11",
title: "Twilight",
author: "Stephenie Meyer",
stock: 1
code: "HOB-83",
title: "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again",
author: "J.R.R. Tolkien",
stock: 1
code: "NRN-7",
title: "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe",
author: "C.S. Lewis",
stock: 1
- Members
code: "M001",
name: "Angga",
code: "M002",
name: "Ferry",
code: "M003",
name: "Putri",
Kerjakan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman yg anda kuasai, buat folder terpisah untuk soal ini
Terdapat string "NEGIE1", silahkan reverse alphabet nya dengan angka tetap diakhir kata Hasil = "EIGEN1"
Diberikan contoh sebuah kalimat, silahkan cari kata terpanjang dari kalimat tersebut, jika ada kata dengan panjang yang sama silahkan ambil salah satu
const sentence = "Saya sangat senang mengerjakan soal algoritma"
// mengerjakan: 11 character
- Terdapat dua buah array yaitu array INPUT dan array QUERY, silahkan tentukan berapa kali kata dalam QUERY terdapat pada array INPUT
INPUT = ['xc', 'dz', 'bbb', 'dz']
QUERY = ['bbb', 'ac', 'dz']
OUTPUT = [1, 0, 2] karena kata 'bbb' terdapat 1 pada INPUT, kata 'ac' tidak ada pada INPUT, dan kata 'dz' terdapat 2 pada INPUT
- Silahkan cari hasil dari pengurangan dari jumlah diagonal sebuah matrik NxN Contoh:
Matrix = [[1, 2, 0], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
diagonal pertama = 1 + 5 + 9 = 15
diagonal kedua = 0 + 5 + 7 = 12
maka hasilnya adalah 15 - 12 = 3