This project focuses on the implementation and study of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) with dynamical quarks. The aim is to explore the numerical methods used to simulate QCD on a lattice, which is a crucial approach for understanding the non-perturbative aspects of the strong interaction in quantum field theory.
- Lattice QCD Framework: The project employs a lattice discretization of QCD, which allows for the study of quark and gluon interactions in a non-perturbative regime.
- Dynamical Quarks: Implementation of simulations that include the effects of dynamical quarks, offering a more realistic representation compared to the quenched approximation.
- Wilson Fermions: Use of Wilson fermions for the lattice discretization of the quark fields, which helps to avoid the problem of fermion doubling.
- Monte Carlo Simulation: Application of Monte Carlo algorithms, including the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, to sample gauge field configurations.
- Gauge Field Configurations: Analysis of gauge field configurations and measurement of observables such as the Wilson loop to study confinement.
This project successfully implements a lattice QCD simulation with dynamical quarks, providing insights into the non-perturbative behavior of QCD. The results obtained are consistent with theoretical expectations and demonstrate the effectiveness of lattice methods in studying quantum field theories.