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Reserved Resources

eisclimber edited this page Apr 20, 2024 · 2 revisions

Reserved Resources

If you are planning on expanding ExPresS XR, using external materials or only using some parts of the project, you might want to take a look at the following information.

Note: Cursive layers/tags/... are built in.

(Physics) Layers

  1. Default
  2. TransparentFx
  3. Ignore Raycast
  4. Player: Layer for the Player. All components of the XR Rig (except the HUD) should be set to this layer.
  5. Water
  6. UI
  7. UI Always On Top: Will be rendered by the HUD Camera but not the Main Camera. The HUD of the XR Rig should be set to this layer.
  8. Ignore Camera: Will not be rendered by the Camera.
  9. Ignore Mirror Camera: Will not be rendered by the MirrorCamera of ExPresS XR's Mirrors, thus being invisible in the reflection.
  10. AreasOfInterest: Layer for Areas of Interest. Will not be rendered by any camera.
  11. AreasOfInterestBouncer: Layer for Areas of Interest Bouncers. Will be rendered by the camera.

Be aware: Adding new Layers might result in them not being visible in VR as they are not added to the MainCameras Culling Layer. This must be done manually!


None are used except Player again for the XR Rig (Except for the Main Camera, which must have the 'MainCamera'-Tag).

XRI Interaction Layers

Make sure to use the InteractionLayerSettings from "Assets/Settings/Resources/InteractionLayerSettings.asset" or adjust your own to contain the following values.

  1. Default  


  1. Teleport: As per recommendation by XRI. It is used for teleporting.

Input Actions Asset

The Input Action at Assets/Settings/Input Mappings/ExPresS XR Default Input Actions.inputactions is used and is based on the one from the XR ITK with the following additions:

  • XRI Head/Head Gaze Prevent Interaction of type Value(Vector3) with a binding to deviceAngularVelocity [XR HMD] and a Press-Interaction with Trigger Behavior Press Only and Press Point set to 0.3.
  • XRI Head/Head Gaze Perform Interaction of Type Button with Bindings to the Forward-Button on the Mouse and the Enter-Key on the Keyboard. The first one is generated during runtime to perform the Head Gaze Select Action. The second one is for debugging.
  • XRI Head/Test of Type Button with a Binding to the T-Key of the Keyboard. It is not used for anything but can be used for debugging.

Make sure to delete the Default Input Action that gets imported via the XR Interaction Toolkit-Package!

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