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ejconlon committed Dec 29, 2024
1 parent a2cee93 commit 79035c4
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Showing 3 changed files with 209 additions and 188 deletions.
281 changes: 151 additions & 130 deletions minipat/src/Minipat/Quant.hs
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Expand Up @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ module Minipat.Quant
( TimeStrat (..)
, ArcStrat
, quant
-- , Trig (..)
, Step (..)
, StepArc
, StepSpan
-- -- , Trig (..)
-- , Step (..)
-- , StepArc
-- , StepSpan
-- , quantTrig
-- , Block (..)
-- , quantBlock
Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,18 @@ import Minipat.Classes (Flow (..))
import Minipat.Stream (Stream, streamRun)
import Minipat.Tape (Ev (..), Tape)
import Minipat.Tape qualified as T
import Minipat.Time (Arc (..), CycleArc, CycleDelta (..), CycleSpan, CycleTime (..), Span (..), arcIntersect)
import Minipat.Time
( Arc (..)
, CycleArc
, CycleDelta (..)
, CycleSpan
, CycleTime (..)
, Measurable (..)
, Span (..)
, StepDelta (..)
, StepTime (..)
, arcIntersect

data TimeStrat
= TimeStratRound
Expand All @@ -32,143 +43,153 @@ data TimeStrat

type ArcStrat = Arc TimeStrat

adjustTime :: (Rational -> Integer) -> Integer -> CycleTime -> CycleTime
adjustTime f steps (CycleTime time) =
let cyc = fromInteger (floor time)
off = time - cyc
off' = f (off * fromInteger steps) % steps
in CycleTime (cyc + off')
type StepFun = Integer -> CycleDelta -> StepDelta

type OriginFun = CycleTime -> CycleTime

type OutputFun a = CycleTime -> CycleDelta -> StepDelta -> a

type AdjustFun t a b = OriginFun -> OutputFun a -> Integer -> t -> b

roundTime :: Integer -> CycleTime -> CycleTime
roundTime = adjustTime round
adjustTime :: StepFun -> AdjustFun CycleTime a a
adjustTime stepFun originFun outFun steps time =
let origin = originFun time
cycDelta = measure origin time
stepDelta = stepFun steps cycDelta
newCycDelta = CycleDelta (unStepDelta stepDelta % steps)
in outFun origin newCycDelta stepDelta

ceilingTime :: Integer -> CycleTime -> CycleTime
ceilingTime = adjustTime ceiling
primStepFun :: (Rational -> Integer) -> StepFun
primStepFun f steps = StepDelta . f . (fromInteger steps *) . unCycleDelta

floorTime :: Integer -> CycleTime -> CycleTime
floorTime = adjustTime floor
stratStepFun :: TimeStrat -> StepFun
stratStepFun =
primStepFun . \case
TimeStratRound -> round
TimeStratCeiling -> ceiling
TimeStratFloor -> floor

quantTime :: TimeStrat -> Integer -> CycleTime -> CycleTime
quantTime = \case
TimeStratRound -> roundTime
TimeStratCeiling -> ceilingTime
TimeStratFloor -> floorTime
quantTime :: TimeStrat -> AdjustFun CycleTime a a
quantTime = adjustTime . stratStepFun

quantArc :: ArcStrat -> Integer -> CycleArc -> CycleArc
quantArc (Arc startStrat endStrat) steps (Arc startTime endTime) =
Arc (quantTime startStrat steps startTime) (quantTime endStrat steps endTime)
quantArc :: ArcStrat -> AdjustFun (Arc CycleTime) a (Arc a)
quantArc (Arc startStrat endStrat) originFun outFun steps (Arc startTime endTime) =
let f strat = quantTime strat originFun outFun steps
in Arc (f startStrat startTime) (f endStrat endTime)

quantSpan :: ArcStrat -> Integer -> CycleSpan -> CycleSpan
quantSpan strat steps (Span ac mwh) =
let f = quantArc strat steps
quantSpan :: ArcStrat -> AdjustFun (Span CycleTime) a (Span a)
quantSpan strat originFun outFun steps (Span ac mwh) =
let f = quantArc strat originFun outFun steps
in Span (f ac) (fmap f mwh)

-- | Quantize the pattern into the given number of steps per cycle by
-- nudging event start and end times to align with step times.
quant :: (Flow f) => ArcStrat -> Integer -> f a -> f a
quant strat steps = flowNudge (quantArc strat steps)

newtype Step = Step {unStep :: Integer}
deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
deriving newtype (Num)

type StepArc = Arc Step

type StepSpan = Span Step

-- data Trig = Trig
-- { trigOn :: !Bool
-- , trigOff :: !Bool
-- }
-- deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- quantTrigChop :: ArcStrat -> Integer -> Ev a -> Tape (Anno StepSpan a)
-- quantTrigChop strat steps = chop
-- where
-- stepLen = 1 % steps
-- addStep = CycleTime . (+ stepLen) . unCycleTime
-- subStep = CycleTime . subtract stepLen . unCycleTime
-- quantSteps = quantArc strat steps
-- chop (Ev (Span ac mwh) a) =
-- case mwh of
-- Nothing ->
-- -- Signals have no on or off triggers
-- let newAc = quantSteps ac
-- sp = Span newAc Nothing
-- anno = Anno (Trig False False) a
-- in T.tapeSingleton (Ev sp anno)
-- Just wh ->
-- let whq@(Arc s e) = quantSteps wh
-- t = addStep s
-- d = subStep e
-- in if t > d
-- then
-- -- Overlap
-- let newWh = Arc s t
-- newAc = arcIntersect newWh whq
-- sp = Span newAc (Just newWh)
-- anno = Anno (Trig True True) a
-- in T.tapeSingleton (Ev sp anno)
-- else
-- let newWh1 = Arc s t
-- newWh2 = Arc d e
-- newAc1 = arcIntersect newWh1 whq
-- newAc2 = arcIntersect newWh2 whq
-- sp1 = Span newAc1 (Just newWh1)
-- sp2 = Span newAc2 (Just newWh2)
-- anno1 = Anno (Trig True False) a
-- anno2 = Anno (Trig False True) a
-- in T.tapeFromList [Ev sp1 anno1, Ev sp2 anno2]
-- quantTrig :: (Flow f) => ArcStrat -> Integer -> f a -> f (Anno StepSpan a)
-- quantTrig strat steps = flowChop (quantTrigChop strat steps)
-- data Block a = Block
-- { blockSteps :: !Integer
-- , blockEvs :: !(IntMap a)
-- }
-- deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- blockStepLen :: Block a -> CycleDelta
-- blockStepLen (Block steps _) = CycleDelta (1 % steps)
quant strat steps =
let originFun = CycleTime . fromInteger . floor . unCycleTime
outFun o d _ = shift d o
in flowNudge (quantArc strat originFun outFun steps)

-- quantStep :: ArcStrat -> Integer -> Stream a -> Arc StepTime -> Tape StepTime a
-- quantStep strat steps stream stepArc = stepTape where
-- stepLen = CycleTime (1 % steps)
-- cycArc = fmap ((stepLen *) . fromIntegral) stepArc
-- cycTape = streamRun stream cycArc
-- stepTape = T.tapeConcatMap (\(Ev sp a) -> T.singleton (Ev () a) cycTape
-- blockStepDelta :: Block a -> Step -> CycleDelta
-- blockStepDelta (Block steps _) (Step step) = CycleDelta (step % steps)
-- blockIter :: Block a -> [Anno Step a]
-- blockIter block = res
-- where
-- res = foldr go [] (IntMap.toList (blockEvs block))
-- go (i, a) ts = let j = fromIntegral i in Anno j a : ts

-- quantBlock :: (Ord a) => ArcStrat -> Integer -> Stream a -> CycleArc -> Block (Set (Anno Trig a))
-- quantBlock strat steps str arc = res
-- where
-- ixStep = floor . (steps % 1 *) . unCycleTime . arcStart . spanActive
-- newStr = quantTrig strat steps str
-- evTape = streamRun newStr arc
-- evMap = foldr insertEv IntMap.empty (T.tapeToList evTape)
-- insertEv (Ev sp x) = IntMap.insertWith (<>) (ixStep sp) (Set.singleton x)
-- res = Block steps evMap

-- data MonoTrig = MonoTrigOn | MonoTrigOff deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
-- -- data Trig = Trig
-- -- { trigOn :: !Bool
-- -- , trigOff :: !Bool
-- -- }
-- -- deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- best :: Set (Anno Trig a) -> Maybe (Anno MonoTrig a, Bool)
-- best = go Nothing . Set.toList where
-- go !acc = \case
-- [] -> Nothing
-- x@(Anno t _) : xs -> case t of
-- Trig True False -> Just x
-- Trig True True -> case acc of
-- Nothing -> go (Just x) xs
-- _ -> undefined
-- Trig False True -> case acc of
-- Nothing -> go (Just x) xs
-- -- quantTrigChop :: ArcStrat -> Integer -> Ev a -> Tape (Anno StepSpan a)
-- -- quantTrigChop strat steps = chop
-- -- where
-- -- stepLen = 1 % steps
-- -- addStep = CycleTime . (+ stepLen) . unCycleTime
-- -- subStep = CycleTime . subtract stepLen . unCycleTime
-- -- quantSteps = quantArc strat steps
-- -- chop (Ev (Span ac mwh) a) =
-- -- case mwh of
-- -- Nothing ->
-- -- -- Signals have no on or off triggers
-- -- let newAc = quantSteps ac
-- -- sp = Span newAc Nothing
-- -- anno = Anno (Trig False False) a
-- -- in T.tapeSingleton (Ev sp anno)
-- -- Just wh ->
-- -- let whq@(Arc s e) = quantSteps wh
-- -- t = addStep s
-- -- d = subStep e
-- -- in if t > d
-- -- then
-- -- -- Overlap
-- -- let newWh = Arc s t
-- -- newAc = arcIntersect newWh whq
-- -- sp = Span newAc (Just newWh)
-- -- anno = Anno (Trig True True) a
-- -- in T.tapeSingleton (Ev sp anno)
-- -- else
-- -- let newWh1 = Arc s t
-- -- newWh2 = Arc d e
-- -- newAc1 = arcIntersect newWh1 whq
-- -- newAc2 = arcIntersect newWh2 whq
-- -- sp1 = Span newAc1 (Just newWh1)
-- -- sp2 = Span newAc2 (Just newWh2)
-- -- anno1 = Anno (Trig True False) a
-- -- anno2 = Anno (Trig False True) a
-- -- in T.tapeFromList [Ev sp1 anno1, Ev sp2 anno2]
-- --
-- -- quantTrig :: (Flow f) => ArcStrat -> Integer -> f a -> f (Anno StepSpan a)
-- -- quantTrig strat steps = flowChop (quantTrigChop strat steps)
-- --
-- -- data Block a = Block
-- -- { blockSteps :: !Integer
-- -- , blockEvs :: !(IntMap a)
-- -- }
-- -- deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- --
-- -- blockStepLen :: Block a -> CycleDelta
-- -- blockStepLen (Block steps _) = CycleDelta (1 % steps)
-- --
-- -- blockStepDelta :: Block a -> Step -> CycleDelta
-- -- blockStepDelta (Block steps _) (Step step) = CycleDelta (step % steps)
-- --
-- -- blockIter :: Block a -> [Anno Step a]
-- -- blockIter block = res
-- -- where
-- -- res = foldr go [] (IntMap.toList (blockEvs block))
-- -- go (i, a) ts = let j = fromIntegral i in Anno j a : ts
-- Trig False False -> case acc of
-- Nothing -> go (Just x) xs
-- _ -> undefined
-- -- quantBlock :: (Ord a) => ArcStrat -> Integer -> Stream a -> CycleArc -> Block (Set (Anno Trig a))
-- -- quantBlock strat steps str arc = res
-- -- where
-- -- ixStep = floor . (steps % 1 *) . unCycleTime . arcStart . spanActive
-- -- newStr = quantTrig strat steps str
-- -- evTape = streamRun newStr arc
-- -- evMap = foldr insertEv IntMap.empty (T.tapeToList evTape)
-- -- insertEv (Ev sp x) = IntMap.insertWith (<>) (ixStep sp) (Set.singleton x)
-- -- res = Block steps evMap
-- -- In order, prefer [ON, ON/OFF, OFF], pushing offs to the next step.
-- blockMono :: Block (Set (Anno Trig a)) -> Block (Anno MonoTrig a)
-- blockMono = undefined
-- -- data MonoTrig = MonoTrigOn | MonoTrigOff deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum, Bounded)
-- --
-- -- best :: Set (Anno Trig a) -> Maybe (Anno MonoTrig a, Bool)
-- -- best = go Nothing . Set.toList where
-- -- go !acc = \case
-- -- [] -> Nothing
-- -- x@(Anno t _) : xs -> case t of
-- -- Trig True False -> Just x
-- -- Trig True True -> case acc of
-- -- Nothing -> go (Just x) xs
-- -- _ -> undefined
-- -- Trig False True -> case acc of
-- -- Nothing -> go (Just x) xs
-- --
-- -- Trig False False -> case acc of
-- -- Nothing -> go (Just x) xs
-- -- _ -> undefined
-- --
-- -- -- In order, prefer [ON, ON/OFF, OFF], pushing offs to the next step.
-- -- blockMono :: Block (Set (Anno Trig a)) -> Block (Anno MonoTrig a)
-- -- blockMono = undefined
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions minipat/src/Minipat/Time.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ instance Measurable CycleDelta CycleTime where

newtype StepTime = StepTime {unStepTime :: Integer}
deriving stock (Show)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Pretty)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Enum, Integral, Pretty)

newtype StepDelta = StepDelta {unStepDelta :: Integer}
deriving stock (Show)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Pretty)
deriving newtype (Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Enum, Integral, Pretty)

instance Measurable StepDelta StepTime where
measure (StepTime s) (StepTime e) = StepDelta (e - s)
Expand Down

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