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[fleche] Reject opening multiple Coq documents for buggy Coq versions.
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Fixes #275

We use a heuristic in the fixed up branches as follows: if the Coq
version contains LSP, then we assume the fix has been backported.

That should work when doing `opam pin`.
  • Loading branch information
ejgallego committed Feb 6, 2023
1 parent 7801883 commit 3f36a86
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(@artagnon, #277)
- Markdown Coq code blocks now must specify "coq" as a language
(@ejgallego, #280)
- `coq-lsp` will now reject opening multiple files when the
underlying Coq version is buggy (@ejgallego, fixes #275)

# coq-lsp 0.1.4: View
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32 changes: 21 additions & 11 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -52,20 +52,30 @@ the best ideas will arise from using `coq-lsp` in your own Coq projects.
Zulip](, don't hesitate
to stop by; both users and developers are welcome.

### Troubleshooting
### Troubleshooting and Known Problems

- Most problems can be resolved by restarting `coq-lsp`, in Visual Studio Code,
- Some problems can be resolved by restarting `coq-lsp`, in Visual Studio Code,
`Ctrl+Shift+P` will give you access to the `coq-lsp.restart` command.
- In VSCode, the "Output" window will have a "Coq LSP Server Events"
channel which should contain some important information.
- As of today, `coq-lsp` may have trouble when more than one file is open at the
same time, this is a problem upstream. For now, you are advised to work on a
single file if this problem appears. This problem is fixed in **Coq 8.18**.
- In VSCode, the "Output" window will have a "Coq LSP Server Events" channel
which should contain some important information; the content of this channel
is controlled by the `Coq LSP > Trace: Server` option.
- If you install `coq-lsp` simultaneously with VSCoq, VSCode gets confused and
neither of them may work. `coq-lsp` will warn about that, help with improving
this [issue]( is appreciated!
- Some clients may send request completions with a stale document, this will
make completion not to work; we are investigating this issue.
neither of them may work. `coq-lsp` will warn about that. If you know how to
improve this, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
- VS Code may send request completions with a stale document, this will be fixed
in a new upstream release, c.f.

#### Working with multiple files

`coq-lsp` can't work with more than one file at the same time, due to problems
with parsing state management upstream. This was fixed in Coq `master` branch
(to become **Coq 8.18**).

As this is very inconvenient, we do provide a fixed Coq branch that you can
install using `opam pin`:

- For Coq 8.17: `opam pin add coq-lsp`
- For Coq 8.16: `opam pin add coq-lsp`

## Features

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40 changes: 30 additions & 10 deletions controller/
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Expand Up @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ module Handle = struct
let handle = { handle with pt_requests = delayed } in
(handle, pt_ids fullfilled)
| Failed _ -> (handle, Int.Set.empty)
| Failed _ | FailedPermanent _ -> (handle, Int.Set.empty)

(* trigger pending incremental requests *)
let update_doc_info ~handle ~(doc : Fleche.Doc.t) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ module Check = struct

let completed ~(doc : Fleche.Doc.t) =
match doc.completed with
| Yes _ | Failed _ -> true
| Yes _ | Failed _ | FailedPermanent _ -> true
| Stopped _ -> false

(* Notification handling; reply is optional / asynchronous *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,21 +216,41 @@ let create ~ofmt ~root_state ~workspace ~uri ~raw ~version =
send_error_permanent_fail ~ofmt ~uri ~version (Pp.str message)
| Interrupted -> ()

(* Set this to false for < 8.18, we could parse the version but not worth it. *)
let sane_coq_base_version = true

let sane_coq_branch =
CString.string_contains ~where:Coq_config.version ~what:"+lsp"

(* for testing in master, set this to true *)
let force_single_mode = false

let sane_coq_version =
(sane_coq_base_version || sane_coq_branch) && not force_single_mode

(* Can't wait for the day this goes away *)
let tainted = ref false

let create ~ofmt ~root_state ~workspace ~uri ~raw ~version =
if !tainted then
(* Warn about Coq bug *)
if !tainted && not sane_coq_version then (
(* Error due to Coq bug *)
let message =
"You have opened two or more Coq files simultaneously in the server\n\
Unfortunately Coq's parser doesn't properly support that setup yet\n\
If you see some strange parsing errors please close all files but one\n\
Then restart the coq-lsp server; sorry for the inconveniencies"
Unfortunately Coq's < 8.18 doesn't properly support that setup yet\n\
You'll need to close all files but one, and restart the server.\n\n\
Check coq-lsp webpage (Working with multiple files section) for\n\
instructions on how to install a fixed branch for earlier Coq versions."
LIO.logMessage ~lvl:2 ~message
else tainted := true;
create ~ofmt ~root_state ~workspace ~uri ~raw ~version
LIO.logMessage ~lvl:1 ~message;
Fleche.Doc.create_failed_permanent ~state:root_state ~uri ~raw ~version
| Fleche.Contents.R.Error _e -> ()
| Ok doc -> Handle.create ~uri ~doc);
send_error_permanent_fail ~ofmt ~uri ~version (Pp.str message))
else (
tainted := true;
create ~ofmt ~root_state ~workspace ~uri ~raw ~version)

let change ~ofmt ~(doc : Fleche.Doc.t) ~raw =
let uri, version = (doc.uri, doc.version) in
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions controller/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ let request_in_range ~(doc : Fleche.Doc.t) ~version (line, col) =
let in_range =
match doc.completed with
| Yes _ -> true
| Failed range | Stopped range ->
| Failed range | FailedPermanent range | Stopped range ->
Fleche.Doc.Target.reached ~range (line, col)
let in_range =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ let do_document_request ~params ~handler =
let lines = doc.contents.lines in
match doc.completed with
| Yes _ -> RAction.ok (handler ~lines ~doc)
| Stopped _ | Failed _ ->
| Stopped _ | Failed _ | FailedPermanent _ ->
Postpone (PendingRequest.DocRequest { uri; handler })

let do_symbols = do_document_request ~handler:Requests.symbols
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23 changes: 21 additions & 2 deletions fleche/
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Expand Up @@ -154,14 +154,17 @@ module Completion = struct
| Yes of Types.Range.t (** Location of the last token in the document *)
| Stopped of Types.Range.t (** Location of the last valid token *)
| Failed of Types.Range.t (** Critical failure, like an anomaly *)
| FailedPermanent of Types.Range.t
(** Temporal Coq hack, avoids any computation *)

let range = function
| Yes range | Stopped range | Failed range -> range
| Yes range | Stopped range | Failed range | FailedPermanent range -> range

let to_string = function
| Yes _ -> "fully checked"
| Stopped _ -> "stopped"
| Failed _ -> "failed"
| FailedPermanent _ -> "refused to create due to Coq parsing bug"

(* Private. A doc is a list of nodes for now. The first element in the list is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,6 +225,21 @@ let create ~state ~workspace ~uri ~version ~raw =
| Error e -> Coq.Protect.R.error (Pp.str e)
| Ok contents -> create ~state ~workspace ~uri ~version ~contents

let create_failed_permanent ~state ~uri ~version ~raw =
Contents.make ~uri ~raw
|> ~f:(fun contents ->
let lines = contents.Contents.lines in
let init_loc = init_loc ~uri in
let range = Coq_utils.to_range ~lines init_loc in
{ uri
; contents
; version
; root = state
; nodes = []
; diags_dirty = true
; completed = FailedPermanent range

let recover_up_to_offset ~init_range doc offset =
Io.Log.trace "prefix"
(Format.asprintf "common prefix offset found at %d" offset);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,6 +292,7 @@ let bump_version ~version ~(contents : Contents.t) doc =
match doc.completed with
(* We can do better, but we need to handle the case where the anomaly is when
restoring / executing the first sentence *)
| FailedPermanent _ -> doc
| Failed _ ->
{ doc with
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -665,7 +684,7 @@ let check ~ofmt ~target ~doc () =
| Yes _ ->
Io.Log.trace "check" "resuming, completed=yes, nothing to do";
| Failed _ ->
| FailedPermanent _ | Failed _ ->
Io.Log.trace "check" "can't resume, failed=yes, nothing to do";
| Stopped last_tok ->
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions fleche/doc.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ module Completion : sig
| Yes of Types.Range.t (** Location of the last token in the document *)
| Stopped of Types.Range.t (** Location of the last valid token *)
| Failed of Types.Range.t (** Critical failure, like an anomaly *)
| FailedPermanent of Types.Range.t
(** Temporal Coq hack, avoids any computation *)

(** A Flèche document is basically a [node list], which is a crude form of a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,3 +92,7 @@ end
(** [check ~ofmt ~target ~doc ()], [target] will have Flèche stop after the
point specified there has been reached. *)
val check : ofmt:Format.formatter -> target:Target.t -> doc:t -> unit -> t

(** This is internal, to workaround the Coq multiple-docs problem *)
val create_failed_permanent :
state:Coq.State.t -> uri:string -> version:int -> raw:string -> t Contents.R.t

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