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[lsp] [petanque] Allow access to petanque protocol from the lsp ser…
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This will be very useful for quite a few users, in particular those
willing to interact with Coq from an editor context.

Things integrate pretty well, and `petanque` can demand `Flèche` to
build documents, etc...

Note that we can still improve the codebase a bit, in particular:

- we should share the generic handling code between `controller` and

- note also the lack of uniformity w.r.t. the cancellation token and
  Rq.serve, in particular `Rq.Immediate` and `Rq.query` with result
  `Now` should do the same.
  • Loading branch information
ejgallego committed Jun 11, 2024
1 parent 823c85f commit 79276fc
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Showing 12 changed files with 183 additions and 24 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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- [petanque] Allow memoization control on `petanque/run` via a new
parameter `memo` (@ejgallego, #780)
- [lsp] [petanque] Allow acces to `petanque` protocol from the lsp
server (@ejgallego, #778)

# coq-lsp 0.1.10: Hasta el 40 de Mayo _en effect_...
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion controller/dune
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(name controller)
(modules :standard \ coq_lsp)
(libraries coq fleche lsp dune-build-info))
(libraries coq fleche petanque petanque_json lsp dune-build-info))

(name coq_lsp)
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59 changes: 55 additions & 4 deletions controller/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -427,6 +427,57 @@ let do_changeConfiguration ~io params =
Rq_init.do_settings settings;

(* Petanque bridge *)
let petanque_init () =
let fn ~token:_ uri =
match Fleche.Theory.find_doc ~uri with
| Some doc -> Ok doc
| None ->
let msg = Format.asprintf "lsp_core: document not found" in
Error (Petanque.Agent.Error.System msg)
Petanque.Agent.fn := fn

let petanque_handle_doc (module S : Petanque_json.Protocol.Request.S) ~params =
(* XXX fixme: doc is now retrieved by petanque callback, but we could use
this *)
let handler ~token ~doc:_ =
Petanque_json.Interp.do_request ~token (module S) ~params
(* XXX: The below wouldn't work due to params having uri in an incorrect
format, do_document_request expects the uri to be in the textDocument
field *)
let textDocument = string_field "uri" params in
let params =
("textDocument", `Assoc [ ("uri", `String textDocument) ]) :: params
do_document_request ~postpone:true ~params ~handler

let petanque_handle_now ~token (module S : Petanque_json.Protocol.Request.S)
~params = (Petanque_json.Interp.do_request ~token (module S) ~params)

(* XXX: Deduplicate with Petanque_json.Protocol. *)
let do_petanque ~token method_ params =
(* For now we do a manual brigde *)
let open Petanque_json.Protocol in
match method_ with
| s when String.equal Start.method_ s ->
petanque_handle_doc (module Start) ~params
| s when String.equal RunTac.method_ s ->
petanque_handle_now ~token (module RunTac) ~params
| s when String.equal Goals.method_ s ->
petanque_handle_now ~token (module Goals) ~params
| s when String.equal Premises.method_ s ->
petanque_handle_now ~token (module Premises) ~params
| _ ->
(* EJGA: should we allow this system to compose better with other LSP
extensions? *)
(* JSON-RPC method not found *)
let code = -32601 in
let message = "method not found" in
Rq.Action.error (code, message)


(** LSP Init routine *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,6 +532,7 @@ let lsp_init_process ~ofn ~io ~cmdline ~debug msg : Init_effect.t =
List.iter (log_workspace ~io) workspaces;
petanque_init ();
Success workspaces
| LSP.Message.Request { id; _ } ->
(* per spec *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -529,7 +581,7 @@ let dispatch_state_notification ~io ~ofn ~token ~state ~method_ ~params :
dispatch_notification ~io ~ofn ~token ~state ~method_ ~params;

let dispatch_request ~method_ ~params : Rq.Action.t =
let dispatch_request ~token ~method_ ~params : Rq.Action.t =
match method_ with
(* Lifecyle *)
| "initialize" ->
Expand All @@ -552,15 +604,14 @@ let dispatch_request ~method_ ~params : Rq.Action.t =
| "coq/getDocument" -> do_document ~params
(* Petanque embedding *)
| msg when Coq.Compat.Ocaml_413.String.starts_with ~prefix:"petanque/" msg ->
L.trace "delegating to petanque [wip]" "%s" msg;
Rq.Action.error (-32601, "method not found")
do_petanque msg ~token params
(* Generic handler *)
| msg ->
L.trace "no_handler" "%s" msg;
Rq.Action.error (-32601, "method not found")

let dispatch_request ~ofn_rq ~token ~id ~method_ ~params =
dispatch_request ~method_ ~params |> Rq.serve ~ofn_rq ~token ~id
dispatch_request ~token ~method_ ~params |> Rq.serve ~ofn_rq ~token ~id

let dispatch_message ~io ~ofn ~token ~state (com : LSP.Message.t) : State.t =
let ofn_rq r = Lsp.Base.Message.response r |> ofn in
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions editor/code/lib/types.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -208,3 +208,15 @@ export interface CoqStoppedStatus {

export type CoqServerStatus = CoqBusyStatus | CoqIdleStatus | CoqStoppedStatus;

// Petanque types, canonical source agent.mli
export interface PetStartParams {
uri: string;
pre_commands: string | null;
thm: string;

export interface PetRunParams {
st: number;
tac: string;
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions editor/code/package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,6 +132,14 @@
"command": "coq-lsp.heatmap.toggle",
"title": "Coq LSP: Toggle heatmap"
"command": "coq-lsp.petanque.start",
"title": "Coq LSP: Start a petanque session for theorem (Coq developer-only command)"
"command": "",
"title": "Coq LSP: Run a tactic over a petanque session (Coq developer-only command)"
"keybindings": [
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7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions editor/code/src/client.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import {
} from "vscode";

import * as vscode from "vscode";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ import { FileProgressManager } from "./progress";
import { coqPerfData, PerfDataView } from "./perf";
import { sentenceNext, sentencePrevious } from "./edit";
import { HeatMap, HeatMapConfig } from "./heatmap";
import { petanqueStart, petanqueRun, petSetClient } from "./petanque";
import { debounce, throttle } from "throttle-debounce";

// Convert perf data to VSCode format
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,6 +156,7 @@ export function activateCoqLSP(

function checkForVSCoq() {
let vscoq =
extensions.getExtension("maximedenes.vscoq") ||
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -216,6 +219,7 @@ export function activateCoqLSP(

let cP = new Promise<BaseLanguageClient>((resolve) => {
client = clientFactory(context, clientOptions, wsConfig);
fileProgress = new FileProgressManager(client);
perfDataHook = client.onNotification(coqPerfData, (data) => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -519,6 +523,9 @@ export function activateCoqLSP(

coqEditorCommand("heatmap.toggle", heatMapToggle);

coqEditorCommand("petanque.start", petanqueStart);
coqEditorCommand("", petanqueRun);


// Fix for bug #750
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60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions editor/code/src/petanque.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
import { window, InputBoxOptions, TextEditor } from "vscode";
import { BaseLanguageClient, RequestType } from "vscode-languageclient";
import { PetRunParams, PetStartParams } from "../lib/types";

const petStartReq = new RequestType<PetStartParams, number, void>(
let client: BaseLanguageClient;

export function petSetClient(newClient: BaseLanguageClient) {
client = newClient;

export const petanqueStart = (editor: TextEditor) => {
let uri = editor.document.uri.toString();
let pre_commands = null;

// Imput theorem name
let inputOptions: InputBoxOptions = {
title: "Petanque Start",
prompt: "Name of the theorem to start a session ",
.then<PetStartParams>((thm_user) => {
let thm = thm_user ?? "petanque_debug";
let params: PetStartParams = { uri, pre_commands, thm };
return Promise.resolve<PetStartParams>(params);
.then((params: PetStartParams) => {
.sendRequest(petStartReq, params)
.then((id) =>
window.setStatusBarMessage(`petanque/start succeed ${id}`, 5000)
.catch((error) => {
let err_message = error.toString();
console.log(`error in save: ${err_message}`);

const petRunReq = new RequestType<PetRunParams, any, void>("petanque/run");

export const petanqueRun = (editor: TextEditor) => {
// XXX Read from user
let params: PetRunParams = { st: 1, tac: "idtac." };
.sendRequest(petRunReq, params)
.then((answer: any) => {
let res = JSON.stringify(answer);
window.setStatusBarMessage(`petanque/run succeed ${res}`, 5000);
.catch((error) => {
let err_message = error.toString();
console.log(`error in save: ${err_message}`);
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions examples/petanque.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Theorem petanque_debug : True.
Proof. now auto. Qed.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions fleche/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -405,3 +405,7 @@ module Request = struct
| FullDoc -> Handle.remove_cp_request ~uri ~id
| PosInDoc { point; _ } -> Handle.remove_pt_request ~uri ~id ~point

(* xxx to remove *)
let find_doc ~uri =
Handle._find_opt ~uri |> (fun { Handle.doc; _ } -> doc)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions fleche/theory.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,3 +93,6 @@ module Register : sig
val add : t -> unit

(* XXX this is temporal for petanque, will fix before merge *)
val find_doc : uri:Lang.LUri.File.t -> Doc.t option
13 changes: 10 additions & 3 deletions petanque/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,11 +50,18 @@ See the contributing guide for instructions on how to do the last.

## Running `petanque` JSON shell

You can use `petanque` in 2 different ways:
You can use `petanque` in 3 different ways:

- call the API directly from your OCaml program
- call the API using JSON-RPC directly in `coq-lsp`, over the LSP
- use the provided `pet` and `pet-server` JSON-RPC shells, usually
with a library such as Pytanque.
with a library such as Pytanque
- call the API directly from your OCaml program

See `agent.mli` for an overview of the API. The
`petanque/setWorkspace` method is only available in the `pet` and
`pet-server` shells; when `petanque` is used from LSP, the workspace
needs to be set using LSP in the usual way.

To execute the `pet` JSON-RPC shell do:
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35 changes: 19 additions & 16 deletions petanque/json_shell/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,44 +2,47 @@ open Protocol
open Protocol_shell
module A = Petanque.Agent

let do_request ~token (module R : Request.S) ~id ~params =
let do_request ~token (module R : Protocol.Request.S) ~params =
match R.Handler.Params.of_yojson (`Assoc params) with
| Ok params -> (
match R.Handler.handler ~token params with
| Ok result ->
let result = R.Handler.Response.to_yojson result in
Lsp.Base.Response.mk_ok ~id ~result
| Ok result -> Ok (R.Handler.Response.to_yojson result)
| Error err ->
let message = A.Error.to_string err in
let code = A.Error.to_code err in
Lsp.Base.Response.mk_error ~id ~code ~message)
let message = Petanque.Agent.Error.to_string err in
let code = Petanque.Agent.Error.to_code err in
Error (code, message))
| Error message ->
(* JSON-RPC Parse error *)
let code = -32700 in
Lsp.Base.Response.mk_error ~id ~code ~message
Error (code, message)

let handle_request ~token ~id ~method_ ~params =
let handle_request ~token ~method_ ~params =
match method_ with
| s when String.equal SetWorkspace.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module SetWorkspace) ~id ~params
do_request ~token (module SetWorkspace) ~params
| s when String.equal Start.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module Start) ~id ~params
do_request ~token (module Start) ~params
| s when String.equal RunTac.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module RunTac) ~id ~params
do_request ~token (module RunTac) ~params
| s when String.equal Goals.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module Goals) ~id ~params
do_request ~token (module Goals) ~params
| s when String.equal Premises.method_ s ->
do_request ~token (module Premises) ~id ~params
do_request ~token (module Premises) ~params
| _ ->
(* JSON-RPC method not found *)
let code = -32601 in
let message = "method not found" in
Lsp.Base.Response.mk_error ~id ~code ~message
Error (code, message)

let request ~token ~id ~method_ ~params =
match handle_request ~token ~method_ ~params with
| Ok result -> Lsp.Base.Response.mk_ok ~id ~result
| Error (code, message) -> Lsp.Base.Response.mk_error ~id ~code ~message

let interp ~token (r : Lsp.Base.Message.t) : Lsp.Base.Message.t option =
match r with
| Request { id; method_; params } ->
let response = handle_request ~token ~id ~method_ ~params in
let response = request ~token ~id ~method_ ~params in
Some (Lsp.Base.Message.response response)
| Notification { method_; params = _ } ->
let message = "unhandled notification: " ^ method_ in
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