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[goals] [fleche] Add tactic-based preprocessing to goals request.
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We add a new parameter `pretac` to the `GoalRequest`, that allows to
query for goals but running a set of tactics (or commands) first.

This is an experiment for now; in particular it'd be nice to rework
the API for speculative execution prior merge.

Co-authored-by: Ambroise Lafont <[email protected]>
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ejgallego and amblafont committed Oct 16, 2023
1 parent f2c5fc4 commit fac4d8a
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- `coq-lsp` is now supported by the `coq-nix-toolbox` (@Zimmi48,
@CohenCyril, #572, via )
- New `pretac` field for preprocessing of goals with a tactic using
speculative execution, this is experimental for now (@amblafont,
@ejgallego, #573, helps with #558)

# coq-lsp 0.1.7: Just-in-time
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Expand Up @@ -297,9 +297,12 @@ let get_pp_format params =
get_pp_format_from_config ()
| None -> get_pp_format_from_config ()

let get_pretac params = ostring_field "pretac" params

let do_goals ~params =
let pp_format = get_pp_format params in
let handler = Rq_goals.goals ~pp_format in
let pretac = get_pretac params in
let handler = Rq_goals.goals ~pp_format ?pretac () in
do_position_request ~postpone:true ~handler ~params

let do_definition =
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45 changes: 37 additions & 8 deletions controller/
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Expand Up @@ -35,26 +35,55 @@ let pp ~pp_format pp =
| Pp -> Lsp.JCoq.Pp.to_yojson pp
| Str -> `String (Pp.string_of_ppcmds pp)

let get_goals_info ~doc ~point =
(* XXX: Speculative execution here requires more thought, about errors,
location, we need to make the request fail if it is not good, etc... Moreover
we should tune whether we cache the results; we try this for now. *)
let parse_and_execute_in tac st =
(* Parse tac, loc==FIXME *)
let str = Gramlib.Stream.of_string tac in
let str = Coq.Parsing.Parsable.make ?loc:None str in
match Coq.Parsing.parse ~st str with
| Coq.Protect.E.{ r = Interrupted; feedback = _ }
| Coq.Protect.E.{ r = Completed (Error _); feedback = _ }
| Coq.Protect.E.{ r = Completed (Ok None); feedback = _ } -> None
| Coq.Protect.E.{ r = Completed (Ok (Some ast)); feedback = _ } -> (
let open Fleche.Memo in
(* XXX use the bind in Coq.Protect.E *)
match (Interp.eval (st, ast)).res with
| Coq.Protect.E.{ r = Interrupted; feedback = _ }
| Coq.Protect.E.{ r = Completed (Error _); feedback = _ } -> None
| Coq.Protect.E.{ r = Completed (Ok st); feedback = _ } -> Some st)

let run_pretac ?pretac st =
match pretac with
| None ->
(* Debug option *)
(* Lsp.Io.trace "goals" "pretac empty"; *)
Some st
| Some tac -> Fleche.Info.in_state ~st ~f:(parse_and_execute_in tac) st

let get_goal_info ~doc ~point ?pretac () =
let open Fleche in
let goals_mode = get_goals_mode () in
let node = Info.LC.node ~doc ~point goals_mode in
match node with
| None -> (None, None)
| Some node ->
let st = node.Doc.Node.state in
let goals = Info.Goals.goals ~st in
let program = Info.Goals.program ~st in
(goals, Some program)
| Some node -> (
match run_pretac ?pretac node.Doc.Node.state with
| None -> (None, None)
| Some st ->
let goals = Info.Goals.goals ~st in
let program = Info.Goals.program ~st in
(goals, Some program))

let goals ~pp_format ~doc ~point =
let goals ~pp_format ?pretac () ~doc ~point =
let open Fleche in
let uri, version = (doc.Doc.uri, doc.version) in
let textDocument = Lsp.Doc.VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.{ uri; version } in
let position =
Lang.Point.{ line = fst point; character = snd point; offset = -1 }
let goals, program = get_goals_info ~doc ~point in
let goals, program = get_goal_info ~doc ~point ?pretac () in
let node = Info.LC.node ~doc ~point Exact in
let messages = mk_messages node in
let error = Option.bind node mk_error in
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion controller/rq_goals.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,4 +9,6 @@ type format =
| Pp
| Str

val goals : pp_format:format -> Request.position
(** [goals ~pp_format ?pretac] Serve goals at point; users can request
pre-processing and formatting using the provided parameters. *)
val goals : pp_format:format -> ?pretac:string -> unit -> Request.position
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions editor/code/lib/types.ts
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Expand Up @@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ export interface GoalRequest {
textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
position: Position;
pp_format?: "Pp" | "Str";
pretac?: string;

export type Pp =
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions editor/code/src/goals.ts
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Expand Up @@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ export class InfoPanel {
// let pretac = "idtac.";
// let cursor: GoalRequest = { textDocument, position, pretac };
let cursor: GoalRequest = { textDocument, position };
let strCursor: GoalRequest = {
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions etc/doc/
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Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ interface GoalRequest {
textDocument: VersionedTextDocumentIdentifier;
position: Position;
pp_format?: 'Pp' | 'Str';
pretac?: string;

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#### Changelog

- v0.1.8: new optional `pretac` field for post-processing, backwards compatible with 0.1.7
- v0.1.7: program information added, rest of fields compatible with 0.1.6
- v0.1.7: pp_format field added to request, backwards compatible
- v0.1.6: the `Pp` parameter can now be either Coq's `Pp.t` type or `string` (default)
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Expand Up @@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ module Goals = struct
let lemmas = Coq.State.lemmas ~st in (Coq.Goals.reify ~ppx) lemmas

(* We need to use [in_state] here due to printing not being pure, but we want
a better design here eventually *)
let goals ~st = in_state ~st ~f:pr_goal st
let program ~st = Coq.State.program ~st
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions fleche/info.mli
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Expand Up @@ -50,10 +50,11 @@ end
module LC : S with module P := LineCol
module O : S with module P := Offset

(** Helper to absorb errors in state change, needed due to the lack of proper
monad in Coq.Protect, to fix soon *)
(** Helper to absorb errors in state change to [None], needed due to the lack of
proper monad in Coq.Protect, to fix soon *)
val in_state : st:Coq.State.t -> f:('a -> 'b option) -> 'a -> 'b option

(** We move towards a more modular design here, for preprocessing *)
module Goals : sig
val goals : st:Coq.State.t -> Pp.t Coq.Goals.reified_pp option
val program : st:Coq.State.t -> Declare.OblState.View.t Names.Id.Map.t
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