A simple tool to make Faraday Status Report (Vulnerabilities name, description, severiry, references, etc) in Japanese
The trick is actually on getting CVE numbers of each vulnerability, in Japan we have a public CVE DB (in Japanese of course) where we can lookup for CVE's, called JVN iPedia
Also, will add the JVN CVE's found into the Vulnerability Templates for use manually on any workspace
We assume you already have Faraday running and installed on your $HOME/faraday
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/ekiojp/hanase
cp hanase/hanase.py hanase/motd-hanase.txt hanase/searcher.patch ~/faraday/scripts/searcher/
cd ~/faraday/scripts/searcher/
chmod 755 hanase.py
patch searcher.py < searcher.patch
First, get JVN DB (sqlite) using go-cve-dictionary
Grab the full JVN (1998 - 2019) get a coffee...
cd ~/faraday/scripts/searcher
for i in `seq 1998 $(date +"%Y")`; do $GOPATH/bin/go-cve-dictionary fetchjvn -log-dir . -dbpath /Users/ec/faraday/scripts/searcher/JVN_DB.sqlite -years $i; done
Note: check your $PYTHONPATH is pointing to $HOME/faraday
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/faraday
Once we have JVN_DB.sqlite (~280Mb) we can use ./hanase.py
~/faraday/scripts/searcher$ ./hanase.py
| |__ __ _ _ __ __ _ ___ ___
| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` / __|/ _ \
| | | | (_| | | | | (_| \__ \ __/
|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|___/\___|
Author: Emilio / @ekio_jp
Version: 1.0
usage: hanase.py [-h] [-d] -w <workspace> [-s <server>] -i <input JVN> -o
<rules.py> [-u <username>] [-p <password>]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d Dry-run TEST
-w <workspace> Faraday Workspace
-s <server> Faraday Server (default: http://localhost:5985)
-i <input JVN> JVN DB generated by https://github.com/kotakanbe/go-cve-
dictionary (SQLite3)
-o <rules.py> Generate rules.py for faraday/scripts/searcher.py
-u <username> Faraday Username (default: faraday)
-p <password> Faraday Password (default: prompt)
Run hanase.py
for Faraday workspace called test1
~/faraday/scripts/searcher$ ./hanase.py -w test1 -i JVN_DB.sqlite -o rules.py
Amount of Vulnerabilities in Workspace: 35
Amount of Templates Added into Faraday: 2
Amount of Rules Generated for search.py (Vuls with 1 CVE only): 2
Vulnerabilities Description Updated (multiple CVE's): 0
Amount of CVE's Found in JVN DB: 2
Amount of CVE's Not Found in JVN DB: 0
Run the patched searcher.py, will use the rules.py
generated by hanase.py
The patched searcher.py allow the option of -r to overwrite the existing references with only the ones from JVN if you wish
~/faraday/scripts/searcher$ ./searcher.py -h
usage: searcher_v2.py [-h] -w WORKSPACE [-s SERVER] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD]
[-o OUTPUT] [-l LOG] [-r]
Search duplicated objects on Faraday
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Search duplicated objects into this workspace
-s SERVER, --server SERVER
Faraday server
-u USER, --user USER Faraday user
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Faraday password
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Choose a custom output directory
-l LOG, --log LOG Choose a custom log level
-r, --refs Overwrite Refs from template
~/faraday/scripts/searcher$./searcher.py -w test1
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Started
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Searching objects into workspace one
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting hosts ...
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting services ...
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting vulnerabilities ...
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: --> Validating rules ...
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: <-- Rules OK
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: --> Start Process vulnerabilities
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting models
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting object
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Running actions of rule 'CVE-2009-3555_84' :
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting vulnerability templates from
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Applying template '5' to vulnerability 'SSL および TLS プロトコルに脆弱性 (CVE-2009-3555)' with id '84'
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Done
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Inserting rule CVE-2009-3555_84 into SQlite database ...
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Done
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting models
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting object
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Running actions of rule 'CVE-2008-5161_88' :
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Getting vulnerability templates from
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Applying template '6' to vulnerability 'SSH 通信において一部データが漏えいする可能性 (CVE-2008-5161)' with id '88'
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Done
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Inserting rule CVE-2008-5161_88 into SQlite database ...
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: Done
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: <-- Finish Process vulnerabilities
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: --> Start Process services
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: <-- Finish Process services
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: --> Start Process Hosts
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: <-- Finish Process Hosts
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - DEBUG: <-- Finish Process Hosts
01/04/2019 04:12:36 PM - Faraday searcher - INFO: Finished
- Make the code nicer
Emilio / @ekio_jp
Please see LICENSE.