NodeJS based Tool for hosting a irl gameshow simmilar to jeopardy. Stream Gameboard to a tv, update scores and open questions with your phone.
version: V3.1
4 main pages
- display:
- nicely styled clean view of the gameboard
- intendet to be streamed to a tv or simmilar
- offers no controll over the game
- master:
- intendet to be used on the hosts phone
- offers full controll over the game
- create and delete players
- change player scores
- open questions
- start the timer
- hide and show rules and category overview
- can see the answers to all questions
- player:
- nicely styled limeted view of the game
- intendet to be used on the players phones to submitt awnsers to certain question types
- login as a existing player or create a new one
- the last used player is saved for auto login
- editmode:
- select questionboard to edit and change all parts of the game
- create, delete and rename gameboards
- change the type of each question
- default: question and answer
- image: question, answer and one as the "question-image" and a "solution-image"
- multiple choice: question, answer and 4 answer options
- change FreeForAll questions
- FFA gets called after every player chose a question once
- everyone can give an answer to the FFA on their own phone one the player page
- get a warning when clicking on a board you have never opened before
- not yet functional on mobile
Editmode while changing content of a question in the gameboard "yaniks fun thing"