WebFormsJS is the front-end part of the WebForms Core technology that communicates with the WebForms class on the back-end.
WebFormsJS is a JavaScript library that provides the infrastructure for interacting with web controls in the CodeBehind framework; this allows developers to easily manage HTML tags on the server-side.
WebFormsJS is a new architecture similar to Microsoft's former Web-Forms, but has none of its disadvantages. The performance of WebFormsJS is much more than the previous Web-Forms, so that it manages all HTML tags.
Using WebFormsJS allows the developers to focus on the server response and therefore there is no need to develop the front side and the developers set the controls on the server-side. WebFormsJS can also be used outside of the CodeBehind framework. In the rest of this article, we teach how to set the server response to interact with WebFormsJS.
The bandwidth consumption when using WebFormsJS is very low. WebFormsJS is like a gasoline car that absorbs carbon pollution as much as it pollutes the air.
Advantages of using WebFormsJS:
- WebFormsJS provides features like postback, progress bar and script extraction.
- WebForms is an advanced system that can be run with simple HTML pages without View or server script pages.
- WebFormsJS automatically sends form data through Ajax. WebFormsJS serializes form data as a string or a FormData object, depending on whether the form is multipart or not.
- Using WebFormsJS reduces the complexity of web development.
At the beginning of the web-forms.js file, there are WebFormsJS customization options. The following codes show the options of this file:
var PostBackOptions = new Object();
PostBackOptions.UseProgressBar = true;
PostBackOptions.UseConnectionErrorMessage = true;
PostBackOptions.ConnectionErrorMessage = "Connection Error";
PostBackOptions.AutoSetSubmitOnClick = true;
PostBackOptions.SendDataOnlyByPostMethod = false;
PostBackOptions.WebFormsTagsBackgroundColor = "#eee";
PostBackOptions.SetResponseInsideDivTag = true;
PostBackOptions.ProgressBarStyle = "width:100%;min-width:300px;max-width:600px;background-color:#eee;margin:2px 0px";
PostBackOptions.ProgressBarPercentLoadedStyle = "position:absolute;padding:0px 4px;line-height:22px";
PostBackOptions.ProgressBarValueStyle = "height:20px;background-color:#4D93DD;width:0%";
WebFormsJS options:
- UseProgressBar: If there is a file input in the form, the progress bar will show the amount of data sent on the screen.
- UseConnectionErrorMessage: Enabling this option causes the error text to be displayed.
- ConnectionErrorMessage: The text to display when an error occurs.
- AutoSetSubmitOnClick: Enabling this option makes submit type inputs automatically send data through WebFormsJS.
- SendDataOnlyByPostMethod: Enabling this option causes the data to be sent with the Post method; Therefore, the form method is ignored.
- WebFormsTagsBackgroundColor: Before rendering the web-forms tags, it gives a default color to their background to improve the user experience.
- SetResponseInsideDivTag: Enabling this option determines whether the server response will be placed inside the div tag or not.
- ProgressBarStyle: Styles for progress bar
- ProgressBarPercentLoadedStyle: Styles for percentage and text size for progress bar
- ProgressBarValueStyle: Styles for uploading animation for progress bar
Action Controls are WebFormsJS received codes that are received in INI format. WebFormsJS automatically detects whether the server response has Action Controls or not. If the server's response is based on the structure of an INI file that starts with [web-forms]
, it will process the Action Controls, otherwise it will replace the server's response in the form of Ajax on the page.
Example of received Action Controls:
aoSelectInput=OptionValue|Option Text|1
al(InputName)=My Input Title
- Line 1:
Here, the first two characters areas
, which means adding a style, and then it is specified that it will be applied to thebody
tag, and after the equal character (=
), the style attribute is specified. - Line 2:
Here, the first two characters aresa
, which means adding an attribute, and then it is specified that it will be applied to a tag with the idCheckBoxInput
, and after the equal character (=
), the name and value of the attribute is specified, which is specified by the character (|
) are separated. - Line 3:
Here, the first two characters arede
, which means to delete the tag, and then it is determined that it will be applied to a tag with the idMyTagId
, and after the equal character (=
) there is a value of1
, which means to apply deletion. - Line 4:
Here, the first two characters areta
, which means text align, and then it is determined that it will be applied to a third tag namedli
, and after the equal character (=
) there is a value of right which means right to left. - Line 5:
aoSelectInput=OptionValue|Option Text|1
Here, the first two characters areao
, which means adding the option tag, and then it is specified that it will be applied to a tag with the id nameSelectInput
, and after the equal character (=
), the option value is placed, and after the character (|
) option text is placed and at the end after the (|
) character is the number1
, which means that the option is active (checked
). - Line 6:
al(InputName)=My Input Title
Here, the first two characters areal
, which means adding a title, and then it is specified that it will be applied to a tag namedInputName
, and after the equal character (=
), the title text is specified.
Action Controls are received in the form of an INI file format. In the first line of the response there is the word [web-forms]
and each of the following lines is an action control.
The first two characters determine the action code. For example, things like adding styles and removing tags can be obtained from action codes. Usually the first two letters stand for actions and indicate that an action must be performed.
After the first two letters, there are 6 status types that specify the tag. Then the equal character is placed and after that the values are placed.
Below is the list of all action codes:
The following items are added to the available amount:
- ai: Add Id - Value:
- an: Add Name - Value:
- av: Add Value - Value:
- ac: Add Class - Value:
- as: Add Style - Value:
- ao: Add Option Tag - Value:
Value|Text|1 or 0
- ak: Add CheckBox Tag - Value:
Value|Text|1 or 0
- al: Add Title - Value:
- at: Add Text - Value:
(string value$[ln];
it replaces by\n
character) - pt: Add Text To Up - Value:
(string value$[ln];
it replaces by\n
character) - aa: Add Attribute - Value:
- nt: Add Tag - Value:
- ut: Add Tag To Up - Value:
- bt: Add Tag Before This Tag - Value:
- ft: Add Tag After This Tag - Value:
The following replaces the existing values:
- si: Set Id - Value:
- sn: Set Name - Value:
- sv: Set Value - Value:
- sc: Set Class - Value:
- ss: Set Style - Value:
- so: Set Option Tag - Value:
Value|Text|1 or 0
- sk: Set Checked - Value: For input with checked type
1 or 0
- For any tagsValue|Text|1 or 0
- sl: Set Title - Value:
- st: Set Text - Value:
(string value$[ln];
it replaces by\n
character) - sa: Set Attribute - Value:
- sw: Set Width - Value:
- sh: Set Height - Value:
- bc: Set Background Color - Value:
- tc: Set Text Color - Value:
- fn: Set Font Name - Value:
- fs: Set Font Size - Value:
- fb: Set Font Bold - Value:
1 or 0
- vi: Set Visible - Value:
1 or 0
- ta: Set Text Align - Value:
- sr: Set Read Only - Value:
1 or 0
- sf: Set Focus - Value:
1 or 0
- sd: Set Disabled - Value:
1 or 0
- mn: Set Min Length - Value:
- mx: Set Max Length - Value:
- ts: Set Selected Value - Value:
- ti: Set Selected Index - Value:
- ks: Set Checked Value - Value:
Value|1 or 0
- ki: Set Checked Index - Value:
Index|1 or 0
- cu: Change Browser URL - Value:
The following items are added only if there are no pre-existing values:
- ii: Insert Id - Value:
- in: Insert Name - Value:
- iv: Insert Value - Value:
- ic: Insert Class - Value:
- is: Insert Style - Value:
- io: Insert Option Tag - Value:
Value|Text|1 or 0
- ik: Insert CheckBox Tag - Value:
Value|Text|1 or 0
- il: Insert Title - Value:
- it: Insert Text - Value:
(string value$[ln];
it replaces by\n
character) - ia: Insert Attribute - Value:
The following will remove the current values:
- di: Delete Id - Value:
- dn: Delete Name - Value:
- dv: Delete Value - Value:
- dc: Delete Class - Value:
- ds: Delete Style - Value:
(only the style name is entered without a value) - do: Delete Option Tag - Value:
Value or * (all tag)
- dk: Delete CheckBox Tag - Value:
Value or * (all tag)
- dl: Delete Title - Value:
- dt: Delete Text - Value:
- da: Delete Attribute - Value:
- de: Delete Tag - Value:
- dp: Delete Parent Tag - Value:
The following increment the current numeric values:
- +n: Increase Minimum Length - Value:
- +x: Increase Maximum Length - Value:
- +f: Increase Font Size - Value:
- +w: Increase Width - Value:
- +h: Increase Height - Value:
- +v: Increase Value - Value:
The following decrease the current numerical values:
- -n: Descrease Minimum Length - Value:
- -x: Descrease Maximum Length - Value:
- -f: Descrease Font Size - Value:
- -w: Descrease Width - Value:
- -h: Descrease Height - Value:
- -v: Descrease Value - Value:
The following add event types to HTML tags:
- Ep: Set Post Event - Value:
Html Event|* (for add response) or Output Place
- EP: Set Post Event Listener - Value:
Html Event Listener|* (for add response) or Output Place
- Eg: Set Get Event - Value:
Html Event|# (for current path) or Path|{Output Place}
- Eg: Set Get Event In Form - Value:
Html Event|{Output Place}
- EG: Set Get Event Listener - Value:
Html Event Listener|# (for current path) or Path|{Output Place}
- EG: Set Get Event In Form Listener - Value:
Html Event Listener|{Output Place}
- Et: Set Tag Event - Value:
Html Event|{Output Place}
- ET: Set Tag Event Listener - Value:
Html Event Listener|{Output Place}
- Rp: Remove Post Event - Value:
Html Event
- RP: Remove Post Event Listener - Value:
Html Event Listener
- Rg: Remove Get Event - Value:
Html Event
- RG: Remove Get Event Listener - Value:
Html Event Listener
- Rt: Remove Tag Event - Value:
Html Event
- RT: Remove Tag Event Listener - Value:
Html Event Listener
The following items are temporarily stored and deleted after being called.
- @gi: Save Id - Value:
- @gn: Save Name - Value:
- @gv: Save Value - Value:
- @ge: Save Value Length - Value:
- @gc: Save Class - Value:
- @gs: Save Style - Value:
- @gl: Save Title - Value:
- @gt: Save Text - Value:
- @gg: Save Text Length - Value:
- @ga: Save Attribute - Value:
- @gw: Save Width - Value:
- @gh: Save Height - Value:
- @gr: Save Read Only - Value:
- @gx: Save Selected Index - Value:
- @ta: Save Text Align - Value:
- @nl: Save Child Nodes Length - Value:
- @vi: Save Visible - Value:
The following values are built-in functions that are placed after the equals character (=
- @_: Execute Script - Value:
Script code
- @mr: Random Number - Value
Max number|Min number
- @dy: Year
- @dm: Month
- @dd: Day
- @dh: Hours
- @di: Minutes
- @ds: Seconds
- @dl: Milliseconds
- @co: Get Cookie - Value
- @cs: Sessioc Cache - Value
Key|Replacement value
- @cl: Sessioc Cache Then Delete It - Value
Key|Replacement value
- @cd: Cache - Value
Key|Replacement value
- @ct: Cache Then Delete It - Value
Key|Replacement value
Note: Action controls are executed sequentially; if an action control decides to change an
attribute from a tag, subsequent action controls cannot perform actions with the previousid
Note: You can also use negative numbers in all indexes. This makes access to tags or values to be read from the end.
In the example above, the last li
tag is removed.
- _: Execute Script - Value:
Script code
- cd: Cache - Value:
Cache duration
(Specifies the cache duration in seconds. Inserting the (*) character instead of a numeric value creates a permanent cache.) - cs: Session Cache - Value:
Cache duration
(Specifies the cache duration in seconds. This cache only works while the browser is active.) - rd: Remove Cache - Value:
Cache key
(Deletes the cache based on the cache key. Inserting the (*) character instead of a cache name will delete all caches.) - rs: Remove Session Cache - Value:
Cache key
(Deletes the cache session based on the cache key. Inserting the (*) character instead of a cache name will delete all caches.)
Pre Runners are added before Action Control values.
Each Pre Runner usually consists of one character, followed by the values of the Pre Runner, and then ends with the closing parenthesis ()
) character.
- :: Delay - Value:
- (: Period - Value:
The above example means that every 4 seconds, the width of the second b tag is added by 10 pixels.
Pre Runners are placed in the queue and can be called one after the other.
The above example is the same as the previous example, except that it is executed after 10 seconds.
After the first two characters, there are 6 status types that define the tag:
- Based on
: Based on the name of theid
, it recognizes the tag and the character (=
) is placed immediately after it. - By
: Identifies the tag based on thename
attribute. It is placed in open and closed parentheses ((Name)
), and if a number is placed after it, it specifies the index, and then the (=
) character is placed after it. - Based on the
tag name
: Based on thetag name
, it recognizes the tag. It is placed inside the smaller and larger signs (<tag name>)
), and if a number is placed after it, it specifies the index, and then the (=
) character is placed after it. - Based on
class name
: Identifies the tag based on theclass name
. It is placed in open and closed brackets ({class name}
), and if a number is placed after it, it specifies the index, and then the character (=
) is placed after it. - Based on
: Identifies the tag based on thequery
. The query string is placed after the (*
) character , and then the character (=
) is placed after it. If there are equal characters (=
) in the query value, they should be replaced by$[eq];
string. - Based on
query all
: It applies to multiple tags and identifies tags based on "query". The query string is placed after the ([
) character , and then the character (=
) is placed after it. If there are equal characters (=
) in the query value, they should be replaced by$[eq];
Note: By default, the indexes of the
,class name
, andtag name
are set to0
Example: Action control with the value de<li>=1
is not different from the value de<li>0=1
You can also specify the desired tag nested (query all is not supported in this case).
at>{my-class}1|<u>|<li>2=My text string
In the example above, the My text string
is placed inside the third li
tag which is inside the first ul
tag, and the ul tag itself is a tag inside the tag whose class is equal to the value of my-class
You can also specify parent tags based on a tag.
In the above example, the parent of the fifth p
tag is selected. You can select higher parents by adding multiple slash characters /
WebFormsJS allows you to create web-forms
tags on pages. The web-forms tags must have one of the src
and ac
attributes or both of them.
The ac
attribute has the Action Controls value. Action Controls in this tag are separated by $[sln];
<web-forms ac="nt<body>=div|MyDivTag$[sln];shMyDivTag=500px$[sln];swMyDivTag=500px$[sln];2)bci24=violet"></web-forms>
Note: The value of the ac
attribute must not contain the double-quote character ("
), and the string $[dq];
must be used instead.
The src
attribute takes the value of a URL path. WebFormsJS calls the URL contained in the src attribute and puts the URL response inside the same web-forms tag. You can also set the width
and height
attributes in the web-forms tag.
<web-forms src="/page/header.aspx"></web-forms>
WebFormsJS has a different approach to responding to the first page request in the browser and AJAX requests when the page is already loaded and the user makes a request.
In the first case, if an action is added for the controls, a tag named web-forms
is added at the bottom of the page, and the actions are placed in the ac
attribute of the web-forms tag.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<input name="TextBox" id="TextBox" type="text" />
</html><web-forms ac="bc<body>=green"></web-forms>
In the second case, after the user's request, if the current View is changed, the server must place the Set Text code for the main tag (usually body
) at the beginning of the action code.
st<body>=...$[ln]; <input name="TextBox" id="TextBox" type="text" />$[ln];...
Note: When a request is made with WebFormJS, a header with the name
and the valuetrue
is also sent to the server. Therefore, it is easy to determine the response approach on the server.
Multiple-Responses is a useful feature in WebFormsJS that allows us to send multiple related responses in a single server response. The multi-response feature is a functionality similar to a JavaScript file that contains multiple offline functions (things that are not requested from the server).
In multiple-responses, action controls are separated by a #
character. To execute the response, we need to add the #
character and the index to the end of the path.
sv(email)[email protected]
as[h2:nth-of-type(2)=margin:10px 20px
Path and result
Requesting /my-view.aspx
or /my-view.aspx#0
The following action controls are performed:
Requesting /my-view.aspx#1
The following action controls are performed:
Requesting /my-view.aspx#2
The following action controls are performed:
sv(email)[email protected]
Requesting /my-view.aspx#MyIndex
or /my-view.aspx#3
The following action controls are performed:
as[h2:nth-of-type(2)=margin:10px 20px
Note: Multiple-Responses are mostly used for offline cases and it is recommended to enable HTML headers for long-term client-side caching for multiple responses.
and GetBack
are two methods in WebFormsJS.
requests the URL string in the condition that it also transfers the input data to the server. The PostBack
method should only be used inside a form tag. The PostBack
method is automatically activated on submit type inputs.
only requests the URL string regardless of the input data. The URL string can also contain the query string. The GetBack
method can be used without the form tag on the page.
There are three overloads for the GetBack
: Requests the current URL path executed in the browser.GetBack(this)
: Should be used only in situations where the form tag must be present on the page. If executed inside a form, the action path requests the form, otherwise it requests the path of the first form on the page.GetBack("YourURL")
: Requests the URL path entered as an argument.
Calling WebFormJS in HTML pages causes submit buttons to automatically get the onclick attribute with PostBack(this)
<input name="btn_Button" type="submit" value="Click to send data" onclick="PostBack(this)"/>
If you call the PostBack
method as below, the contents of the page will remain and the values will be added to the beginning of the inner content of the body tag.
PostBack(this, true)
You can specify where to add content instead of true.
PostBack(this, "<div>2")
The above method places the data received from the server inside the third div
PostBack(this, "MyTagId")
The above method puts the data received from the server inside a tag or MyTagId
Note: Examples 1 and 2 for the
method also have the same function.
method renders the action control of a web-forms tag.
TagBack ("(my-class)-1")
The above method renders the action control of the last web-forms tag whose class name is my-class.
Example web-forms tag
<web-forms class="my-class" ac="bc<body>=red"></web-forms>