Distributed Data Management - Exercises
LargeMessageProxy Excercise is solved using Akka 2.6.0 -> reference.conf in Tests has been modified to conform with new regulations
Kryo currently has a Problem with Illegal reflective access by com.esotericsoftware.kryo.util.UnsafeUtil (EsotericSoftware/kryo#543)
-> this can be avoided by starting java with the "--illegal-access=deny" option enabled. Functionality seems unaffected for the purpose of the exercise.
The implementation was tested on serveral machines:
Normal Machines: 13" MacBook Pro 2017 (8GB Ram i5), a 15" MacBook Pro 2019 (32GB Ram, i9), a desktop machine (24GB Ram i5) --> on these machines remote execution works flawlessly up to 9 workers
Raspberry Pi: 2 Raspberry Pi 3B+ (1GB Ram, Cortex-A53)
- Remote execution works with up to 10 workers (when using one Raspberry Pi as slave)
- Remote execution works with up to 18 workers (when using two Raspberry Pis, with 9 workers each)
JVM memory is extended with "-Xmx1800m" (Swap is configured to 2048 on both machines)
This is only the tested maximum after which we stopped. Potentially more workes possible!