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@develar develar released this 28 Nov 08:36

It is one of the most exciting release of electron-builder.

File copying was completely rewritten to reflect what you are expecting from packager.

  • Some functionality works differently on a CI server. Previously only Travis, Appveyor and CircleCi were supported. Now is-ci is used and more CI servers are supported.

  • Hard links is used to copy file on CI server or if env USE_HARD_LINKS is set to true (Windows, of course, not supported). Why hard link cannot be used on a development machine? Because if you modify file in a project working directly, packaged file will be changed as well and it can leads to weird bugs (because you expect that packaged app is immutable and can run packaged app to see how it works before).

    Please note — only extra and unpacked files are affected. All other files are packed into asar archive by default.

  • File permission is corrected. Regardless of original file permissions, if owner can read or executegroup and others will can as well.

  • Empty directory is never created.


  • use hardlinks if possible, do not create empty dirs (3f97b86), closes #732