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@develar develar released this 09 Jul 08:38
· 1280 commits to master since this release

electron-updater 4.1.2 released as next.

macOS Catalina doesn't support 32-bit executables and as result Wine cannot run Windows 32-bit applications too. It means that you cannot build NSIS installer on macOS Catalina anymore, because even if NSIS itself it is native executable for macOS, to build and sign installer, we need to execute installer, but installer itself it is a 32-bit Windows executable. Maybe this problem will be fixed somehow when macOS Catalina will be released.

Bug Fixes

  • electron-updater: expose "isUpdaterActive" (b83f580), closes #4028
  • mac: ensure that created temporary keychain doesn't pollute system even if not deleted correctly (97684ca), closes #3685
  • nsis: nsis-web: Windows 7 and above is required when installing on Windows 7 (d451308), closes #2420


  • update rcedit, use rcedit x64 on Windows x64 (5cb085d), closes #3889