Update dependency stylelint-scss to v6.10.0 #2698
1 error, 5 warnings, and 1 notice
Run Playwright tests:
1) read-receipts/redactions-in-threads.spec.ts:410:17 › Read receipts › redactions › in threads › A thread with a redacted unread is still read after restart
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).not.toBeVisible()
Locator: getByRole('treeitem', { name: /^Room Beta/ }).locator('.mx_NotificationBadge_dot')
Expected: not visible
Received: visible
Call log:
- expect.not.toBeVisible with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for getByRole('treeitem', { name: /^Room Beta/ }).locator('.mx_NotificationBadge_dot')
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_NotificationBadge mx_NotificationBadge_visible mx_NotificationBadge_dot">…</div>
- unexpected value "visible"
at read-receipts/index.ts:446
444 | async assertRead(room: string | { name: string }) {
445 | const tile = this.getRoomListTile(room);
> 446 | await expect(tile.locator(".mx_NotificationBadge_dot")).not.toBeVisible();
| ^
447 | await expect(tile.locator(".mx_NotificationBadge_count")).not.toBeVisible();
448 | }
449 |
at Helpers.assertRead (/home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/e2e/read-receipts/index.ts:446:69)
at /home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/e2e/read-receipts/redactions-in-threads.spec.ts:440:28
Run Playwright tests:
read-receipts/redactions-main-timeline.spec.ts took 2.1m
Run Playwright tests:
read-receipts/new-messages-main-timeline.spec.ts took 1.4m
Run Playwright tests:
read-receipts/read-receipts.spec.ts took 1.2m
Run Playwright tests:
read-receipts/reactions-in-threads.spec.ts took 1.1m
Run Playwright tests:
read-receipts/redactions-thread-roots.spec.ts took 57.9s
Run Playwright tests
1 flaky
read-receipts/redactions-in-threads.spec.ts:410:17 › Read receipts › redactions › in threads › A thread with a redacted unread is still read after restart
15 skipped
67 passed (12.0m)