Minimum cluster registration and work
- Create a kind cluster
- Deploy all compoenent on the kind cluster
export KIND_CLUSTER={kind cluster name} make deploy
- To clean the environment, run
make clean-deploy
- Deploy hub component
export OLM_NAMESPACE=openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager make deploy-hub
- Deploy agent component
export KLUSTERLET_KUBECONFIG_CONTEXT={kube config context of managed cluster} export OLM_NAMESPACE=openshift-operator-lifecycle-manager make deploy-spoke
- To clean the environment, run
make clean-hub
andmake clean-spoke
After a successfull deployment, a certificatesigningrequest
and a managedcluster
be created on the hub.
kubectl get csr
kubectl get managedcluster
Next approve the csr and set managecluster to be accepcted by hub with the following command
kubectl certificate approve {csr name}
kubectl patch managedcluster {cluster name} -p='{"spec":{"hubAcceptsClient":true}}' --type=merge