this is a project of steganography algorithm with Android. you can hide you infomation and share to your friend by android wifi host. it include two algorithm,the one is image hiding algorithm(LBS algorithm),the other is Text hiding algorithm.The text hiding algorithm can hide your some word to a text file.
by elicec of USTB in China 2015.05
一个Android平台下的信息隐藏算法,主要包括LBs算法,和文本隐藏算法。可以将信息隐藏到图片或者文本中,图片隐藏算法采用LBS算法。文本隐藏算法 是将信息转为二进制“0101”,在根据模版文本的特点进行隐藏这些二进制,在模版文本中的标点符号前加空格表示隐藏了一个1,不加表示隐藏 了一个0。