An interface driven cli lib for go.
Have you ever said
Why can't writing CLIs be as easy as defining a struct and writing a function?
Then quack is for you.
Integration with spf13/cobra
The Bind api creates a cobra.Command
from the given structure. This allows for easy integration
with existing cli's that use this framework.
Supporting other frameworks like urfave/cli would be pretty easy. Feel free to file an issue with your framework of choice if you want it added.
type ToHex struct {
Input int
func (t ToHex) Run() {
fmt.Printf("%x", t.Input)
func main() {
quack.MustBind("tohex", new(ToHex)).Execute()
Can now be run
go run main.go --input 12334
package main
import ""
type a struct {
func (a) SubCommands() quack.Map {
return quack.Map{
"b": new(b),
type b struct {
func (b) SubCommands() quack.Map {
return quack.Map{
"c": new(c),
type c struct {
XX string `default:"YYY" short:"x"`
Y int `help:"this is a help message"`
Z bool `default:"true"`
func (c) Run([]string) {
func (c) Help() string {
return "the nested c command"
func main() {
quack.MustBind("nested", new(a))
go run examples/deeply_nested/main.go b -h
Usage: b <cmd> [args]
c the nested c command
go run examples/deeply_nested/main.go b c -h
Usage: c [args]
the nested c command
--z (default=true)
-x, --xx string (default='YYY')
--y int (default=0) this is a help message