- Fork and clone this repository
- Open the interface by typing
open jasmine/index.html
in the command line. This will open the interface in the browser.
- Fill in the fields of the table with your two rolls for each frame. You can either use the arrows to increase the number for each roll (minimum value of 0, maximum value of 10). Or you can type the number in directly, but there are no value limits for this input.
- If a roll is 0, either type 0 or leave the field blank.
- Only enter a number into the bonus field of the 10th frame if you have rolled a spare or a strike in the 10th frame.
- Click the
button and your score will be calculated and displayed at the bottom of the screen.
This program has 3 Objects: User, Game and Calculator.
The user only needs to interact with the 2 user functions: user.addFrame()
and user.calculateScore()
adds a 2-element array of a frame of results to the overall array of scores for the game. The format of the frame results is an array of nested arrays.
creates a new instance of the Game object, passes the whole array of 10 frames to the new instance, and calls the game.calculateScore()
The game.calculateScore()
function checks whether the player bowled either a perfect game, in which case the score is 300 points. It initially also had a function to check whether the player bowled a gutter game and returned a score of 0 points. However, this was made obsolete because a 0-point game can be processed in the same way as any non-perfect game.
Otherwise it creates a new instance of the Calculator object, passes the array of frames to the new instance and calls the calculator.classify()
loops through all but the last array within the array of frames.
If the first element of the frame array is 10 it is classified as a strike and the calculator.strikeScore()
function is called. If the following frame is also a strike then the next two rolls from the next two frames are added as a bonus score to the strike frame score. Otherwise, the next two rolls from the next frame are added as a bonus score to the next frame score and returned to the classify
In the classify
function, if the two elements in a frame array add together to equal 10, it is classified as a spare and the calculator.spareScore()
function is called. The next two rolls from the next frame are added as a bonus score to the spare frame score.
If the frame is not classified as a strike or a spare, the calculator.normalScore()
function is called and the sum of the two elements in the frame is returned.
Finally, the calculate.classify()
function processes the last nested frame array within the frames nested separately to the loop, using the .normalScore()
function. This is because if the player rolls a strike or a spare in the last frame there will be no following frame to provide the bonus values. Instead the frame will have 3 rolls instead of 2. For this reason the .normalScore()
function uses an array.reduce()
function instead of adding the elements of the array together. This means the function works for 2-element and 3-element arrays.
This program was built using JavaScript, Jasmine test frame, jQuery, HTML and CSS.