To improve my reading progress, I removed all distractions, put the files I read on the desktop, wrote a shell script to change the desktop background to denote exacltly how much I have done and how much pages are not yet read.
I didn't have enough time to comment the files (Next time I will) so here is a description:
- I extract the number of pages of every book from pdfinfo
- I extract the page number I stopped at from from okular
- I send the output file to R using Rscript
- R produces the ggplot graph denoting how much progress I have made in every book
- The shell script changes the desktop background to the new graph
- All the previous steps are repeated every minute behind the scenes using cron
So everytime I make progress in one book the stack with change with me in the background until I finsh reading
Note: I add the following to the crontab file
- source ~/Documents/pj/Readingtrack/
I call the books with capital letters , below every column the number of pages I finished