A framework designed to combine Vue.js as the frontend for python applications - rounded off with Electron to create fully fledged desktop applciations.
Either use this as a base template for your new python project requiring a state-of-the art GUI or use this as a guide for creating your own project.
Main features include:
- Vue-electron development tools with auto-reload for rapid GUI prototyping
- Build the app into a .app/ dmg (not tested with windows yet) rapidly
- Python integrated made possible with Eel, run on launch
- Node 12.x
- Yarn
- Python (recommend creating a new virtual env for this):
- pyinstaller
- eel
Clone repository and begin...!
yarn install
Edit the app.spec file to meet your own build requiremnts Make sure you are working in the right python environment when working on the project
yarn electron:serve
Package up python env with:
pyinstaller app.spec
yarn electron:build