Sample React.js application for the Docker environment.
App with one container. Reading from external open API. No storage. No secrets. Dynamic web page - including information from external API.
Make sure you have already installed Docker Engine. You don’t need to install Nginx or NPM, as both are provided by Docker images.
$ docker -v
Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40
git clone
cd docker-reactjs
docker build -t docker-reactjs .
docker run -p 80:80 docker-reactjs
Go to http://localhost
- Nginx - Web server
- React.js - The front-end framework used
- Docker - Containerization
- Materialize - Front-end framework
- Jungwon Seo - Initial work - thejungwon
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details