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Sup!? Object Browser v0.1.2-beta

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@embiimob embiimob released this 07 Feb 05:00
· 631 commits to master since this release


open source experimental decentralized state engine protocol

This Sup!? Object Browser is a READ ONLY demonstration of establishing a decentralized identity and tracking changes with comments on immutable bitcoin objects in a format familiar to NFT enthusiasts. As of Sup?'s first release date all transactions and objects discoverable in this experiment were created by embii using


  1. Download the file
  2. Create a folder on your fastest disk drive with at least 700GB free (it will be storing the bitcoin prod and testnet blockchains)
  3. Unzip all contents into the folder.
  4. Create a shortcut to SUP.exe and launch.

You will need to sync two blockchains to perform you first Sup!? object search

  1. Click the key button
  2. Launch a full bitcoin Production node AND a full Bitcoin testnet node using the buttons provided
  3. Wait until testnet is fully synched and production has synced passed at least 2014. ( this part could take several hours )
  4. Type #flowersofwar in the main search box and hit enter

Search Options


searches up to a 20 character case sensitive keyword and shows all object associations


searches urn shows currently registered object with URI ( no urn character limits, redirects are NOT enabled )


searches urn shows currently registered profile object associated with @userName and shows all object associatins


performs a ipfs get, archives ipfs file(s) locally, pins file(s) if pinning is enabled, opens a system folder dioluge allowing you to explore any files found