Releases: embiimob/Sup
Sup!? Object Browser v0.1.5-beta
experimental decentralized state engine browser
Sup!? Object Browser is currently a READ ONLY demonstration of establishing a decentralized identity and tracking state changes with comments on immutable blockhain objects in a format familiar to NFT enthusiasts.
This experiment is using an ancient blockchain protocol called P2FK (Pay to Future Key) invented by in 2013.
P2FK was directly inspired by the satoshi uploader see -->
As of Sup?'s first release date all transactions and objects discoverable in the experiment were created by embii using
- Download the file
- Create a folder on your fastest disk drive with at least 700GB free (it will be storing the bitcoin prod and testnet blockchains)
- Unzip all contents into the folder.
- Create a shortcut to SUP.exe and launch.
You will need to sync two blockchains to perform you first Sup!? object search
- Click the key button
- Launch a full bitcoin Production node AND a full Bitcoin testnet node using the buttons provided
- Wait until testnet is fully synched and production has synced passed at least 2014. ( this part could take several hours )
- Type #flowersofwar in the main search box and hit enter
Search Options
searches up to a 20 character case sensitive keyword and shows all object associations
searches urn shows currently registered object with URI ( no urn character limits, redirects are NOT enabled )
searches urn shows currently registered profile object associated with @userName and shows all object associatins
performs a ipfs get, archives ipfs file(s) locally, pins file(s) if pinning is enabled, opens a system folder dioluge allowing you to explore any files found
Block \ Mute
blocking addresses and transactions ignores any associations to them going forward preventing a transaction or any transactions signed by the blocked address from outputting to disk. a purge and reinspection is required to completely eliminate all data. if a group of collectors decides to block an address or transaction they can technically ignore them out of existence.
muting an address prevents any further transaction comments signed by the address from outputting onto disk. a purge and reinspection is required to completely elimninate all transactions comments
Web Applet Querystring Data
trusted index.html and index.htm files are sent the following Sup!? object information via querystring on load
"address=", "creator=", "viewer=", "viewer-name=", "owner=", "owner-name=", "urn=", "uri=", "url=", "height="
URN IMG & URI Referencing Standards
( references an IPFS gif file creates a default file named {hash}/artifact )
IPFS:Qmex6VRDqwVCMPrc7ojtBWzUBPdQAmWq9FcprKTcgmbKX3/baby punch.glb
( references and IPFS file outputs file with given name {hash}/baby punch.glb )
( references mainchain - bitcoin testnet P2FK)
( references sidechain - mazacoin production P2FK )
( references sidechain - bitcoin production P2FK )
( references a http(s) address )
ASCII free text urn registrations such as '' cannot begin with 'IPFS:',{transaction id},'MZC:','BTC:' or 'HTTP'
this experiment uses a v0.13.2 full bitcoin core clone with address index change
this experiment uses mazacoin their latest official release has been included in the deployment
this experiment uses oodrive's levelDB a stable release has been included in the deployment
this experiment uses the most recent ipfs kubo command line tool found here
see the example transaction JSON files to begin experimenting with the entry and trading of your own Sup!? objects
Sup!? blockchain objects can be discovered and browsed without internet access because Sup!? is communicating with a local copy of the blockchain.
explore Sup!? on youtube
Sup!? Object Browser v0.1.4-beta
experimental decentralized state engine browser
Sup!? Object Browser is currently a READ ONLY demonstration of establishing a decentralized identity and tracking state changes with comments on immutable blockhain objects in a format familiar to NFT enthusiasts.
This experiment is using an ancient blockchain protocol called P2FK (Pay to Future Key) invented by in 2013.
P2FK was directly inspired by the satoshi uploader see -->
As of Sup?'s first release date all transactions and objects discoverable in the experiment were created by embii using
- Download the file
- Create a folder on your fastest disk drive with at least 700GB free (it will be storing the bitcoin prod and testnet blockchains)
- Unzip all contents into the folder.
- Create a shortcut to SUP.exe and launch.
You will need to sync two blockchains to perform you first Sup!? object search
- Click the key button
- Launch a full bitcoin Production node AND a full Bitcoin testnet node using the buttons provided
- Wait until testnet is fully synched and production has synced passed at least 2014. ( this part could take several hours )
- Type #flowersofwar in the main search box and hit enter
Search Options
searches up to a 20 character case sensitive keyword and shows all object associations
searches urn shows currently registered object with URI ( no urn character limits, redirects are NOT enabled )
searches urn shows currently registered profile object associated with @userName and shows all object associatins
performs a ipfs get, archives ipfs file(s) locally, pins file(s) if pinning is enabled, opens a system folder dioluge allowing you to explore any files found
Block \ Mute
blocking addresses and transactions ignores any associations to them going forward preventing a transaction or any transactions signed by the blocked address from outputting to disk. a purge and reinspection is required to completely eliminate all data. if a group of collectors decides to block an address or transaction they can technically ignore them out of existence.
muting an address prevents any further transaction comments signed by the address from outputting onto disk. a purge and reinspection is required to completely elimninate all transactions comments
Web Applet Querystring Data
trusted index.html and index.htm files are sent the following Sup!? object information via querystring on load
"address=", "creator=", "viewer=", "viewer-name=", "owner=", "owner-name=", "urn=", "uri=", "url=", "height="
URN IMG & URI Referencing Standards
( references an IPFS gif file creates a default file named {hash}/artifact )
IPFS:Qmex6VRDqwVCMPrc7ojtBWzUBPdQAmWq9FcprKTcgmbKX3/baby punch.glb
( references and IPFS file outputs file with given name {hash}/baby punch.glb )
( references mainchain - bitcoin testnet P2FK)
( references sidechain - mazacoin production P2FK )
( references sidechain - bitcoin production P2FK )
( references a http(s) address )
Whats included
this experiment uses a v0.13.2 full bitcoin core clone with address index change
this experiment uses mazacoin their latest official release has been included in the deployment
this experiment uses oodrive's levelDB a stable release has been included in the deployment
this experiment uses the most recent ipfs kubo command line tool found here
see the example transaction JSON files to begin experimenting with the entry and trading of your own Sup!? objects
Sup!? blockchain objects can be discovered and browsed without internet access because Sup!? is communicating with a local copy of the blockchain.
Sup!? on Youtube
Sup!? Object Browser v0.1.3-beta
open source experimental decentralized state engine protocol
This Sup!? Object Browser is a READ ONLY demonstration of establishing a decentralized identity and tracking changes with comments on immutable bitcoin objects in a format familiar to NFT enthusiasts. As of Sup?'s first release date all transactions and objects discoverable in this experiment were created by embii using
- Download the file
- Create a folder on your fastest disk drive with at least 700GB free (it will be storing the bitcoin prod and testnet blockchains)
- Unzip all contents into the folder.
- Create a shortcut to SUP.exe and launch.
You will need to sync two blockchains to perform you first Sup!? object search
- Click the key button
- Launch a full bitcoin Production node AND a full Bitcoin testnet node using the buttons provided
- Wait until testnet is fully synched and production has synced passed at least 2014. ( this part could take several hours )
- Type #flowersofwar in the main search box and hit enter
Search Options
searches up to a 20 character case sensitive keyword and shows all object associations
searches urn shows currently registered object with URI ( no urn character limits, redirects are NOT enabled )
searches urn shows currently registered profile object associated with @userName and shows all object associatins
performs a ipfs get, archives ipfs file(s) locally, pins file(s) if pinning is enabled, opens a system folder dioluge allowing you to explore any files found
Web Applet Querystring Data
trusted index.html and index.htm files are sent the following Sup!? object information via querystring on load
"address=", "creator=", "viewer=", "viewer-name=", "owner=", "owner-name=", "urn=", "uri=", "url=", "height="
this experiment uses a v0.13.2 full bitcoin core clone with address index change
this experiment uses mazacoin their latest official release has been included in the deployment
this experiment uses the most recent ipfs kubo command line tool found here
see the example transaction JSON files to begin experimenting with the entry and trading of your own Sup!? objects
Sup!? blockchain objects can be discovered and browsed without internet access because Sup!? is communicating with a local copy of the blockchain.
explore Sup!? on youtube
Sup!? Object Browser v0.1.2-beta
open source experimental decentralized state engine protocol
This Sup!? Object Browser is a READ ONLY demonstration of establishing a decentralized identity and tracking changes with comments on immutable bitcoin objects in a format familiar to NFT enthusiasts. As of Sup?'s first release date all transactions and objects discoverable in this experiment were created by embii using
- Download the file
- Create a folder on your fastest disk drive with at least 700GB free (it will be storing the bitcoin prod and testnet blockchains)
- Unzip all contents into the folder.
- Create a shortcut to SUP.exe and launch.
You will need to sync two blockchains to perform you first Sup!? object search
- Click the key button
- Launch a full bitcoin Production node AND a full Bitcoin testnet node using the buttons provided
- Wait until testnet is fully synched and production has synced passed at least 2014. ( this part could take several hours )
- Type #flowersofwar in the main search box and hit enter
Search Options
searches up to a 20 character case sensitive keyword and shows all object associations
searches urn shows currently registered object with URI ( no urn character limits, redirects are NOT enabled )
searches urn shows currently registered profile object associated with @userName and shows all object associatins
performs a ipfs get, archives ipfs file(s) locally, pins file(s) if pinning is enabled, opens a system folder dioluge allowing you to explore any files found
this experiment uses a v0.13.2 full bitcoin core clone with address index change
this experiment uses mazacoin their latest official release has been included in the deployment
this experiment uses the most recent ipfs kubo command line tool found here
see the example transaction JSON files to begin experimenting with the entry and trading of your own Sup!? objects
Sup!? blockchain objects can be discovered and browsed without internet access because Sup!? is communicating with a local copy of the blockchain.
Sup!? Object Browser v0.1.1-beta
open source experimental decentralized state engine protocol
This Sup!? Object Browser is a READ ONLY demonstration of establishing a decentralized identity and tracking changes with comments on immutable bitcoin objects in a format familiar to NFT enthusiasts. As of Sup?'s first release date all transactions and objects discoverable in this experiment were created by embii using
- Download the file
- Create a folder on your fastest disk drive with at least 700GB free (it will be storing the bitcoin prod and testnet blockchains)
- Unzip all contents into the folder.
- If a Sup!? installation already exists Copy Paste with Replace All
- Create a shortcut to SUP.exe and launch.
You will need to sync two blockchains to perform you first Sup!? object search
- Click the key button
- Launch a full bitcoin Production node AND a full Bitcoin testnet node using the buttons provided
- Wait until testnet is fully synched and production has synced passed 2015. ( this part could take several hours )
- Type #flowersofwar in the main search box and hit enter
Search Options
searches up to 20 character keyword shows all object associations
searches urn shows currently registered object with URI ( no urn character limits, redirects are NOT enabled )
searches urn shows currently registered profile object associated with @userName
- this experiment uses a v0.13.2 full bitcoin core clone with address index change
- this experiment uses mazacoin their latest official release is included in the deployment
- see the example transaction JSON files to begin experimenting with the entry and trading of your own Sup!? objects
- Sup!? bitcoin objects can be discovered and browsed without internet access because Sup!? is communicating with a local copy of the blockchain.
Sup!? Object Browser v0.1.0-beta
This Sup!? Object Browser is a READ ONLY demonstration of establishing a decentralized identity and tracking changes with comments on immutable bitcoin objects in a format familiar to NFT enthusiasts. As of the release date all objects discoverable in the Sup!? Object browser were created by embii using
- Download the file
- Create a folder on your fastest disk drive with at least 700GB free (it will be storing the bitcoin prod and testnet blockchains)
- Unzip all contents into the folder.
- Create a shortcut to SUP.exe and launch.
You will need to sync two blockchains to perform you first Sup!? object search
- Click the key button
- Launch a full bitcoin Production node AND a full Bitcoin testnet node using the buttons provided
- Wait until both blockchains have completely synced. ( this part could take days )
- type #flowersofwar in the main search box and hit enter
Search Options
#Keyword ------------- searches up to 20 character keyword shows all object associations
sup:// ---- searches urn shows currently registered object with URI (no urn character limits, redirects are not enabled)
@userName ------------ searches urn shows currently registered profile object associated with @userName
this experiment uses a v0.13.2 full bitcoin core clone with address index change
this experiment references mazacoin their latest official release has been included in this deployment
see the example transaction JSON files to begin experimenting with the entry and trading of your own Sup!? objects
Sup!? bitcoin objects can be discovered and browsed without internet access because Sup!? is communicating with a local copy of the blockchain.