P2FK.IO is a simple .NET API wrapper allowing developers to interact with the Sup!? CLI via the traditional web.
How to Sync Sup!?
The latest release of Sup!? with CLI can be found here: https://github.com/embiimob/SUP
- create a folder C:\SUP and unzip the latest release into it.
- run SUP.EXE, click the 🗝️ icon, launch and sync both bitcoin wallets.
NOTICE: Update the Wrapper.cs file if you wish to use something other then the following default values
//default mainnet connection info
public string ProdCLIPath = @"C:\SUP\SUP.exe"; // Replace with the actual path to SUP.EXE
public string ProdVersionByte = @"0"; // Replace with the actual version byte
public string ProdRPCURL = @"";
public string ProdRPCUser = "good-user";
public string ProdRPCPassword = "better-password";
//default testnet connection info
public string TestCLIPath = @"C:\SUP\SUP.exe"; // Replace with the actual path to SUP.EXE
public string TestVersionByte = @"111"; // Replace with the actual version byte
public string TestRPCURL = @"";
public string TestRPCUser = "good-user";
public string TestRPCPassword = "better-password";
NOTICE: Update Program.cs if you wish to use images other then what is defaulted or change the titles
//removes the /swagger/ from the path
options.RoutePrefix = string.Empty;
//update to incude your own api and version
options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "P2FK.IO V1");
//update to incude your own api
options.DocumentTitle = "P2FK.IO";
//update to use your own images and favicons
options.HeadContent = @"
<link rel=""apple-touch-icon"" sizes=""180x180"" href=""./apple-touch-icon.png"" />
<link rel=""icon"" type=""image/png"" sizes=""32x32"" href=""./favicon-32x32.png"" />
<link rel=""icon"" type=""image/png"" sizes=""16x16"" href=""./favicon-16x16.png"" />
.swagger-ui img {
content: url('./HugPuddle.jpg');
width: 50px;
height: auto;
//added because large json output styling slows down the swagger ui
options.ConfigObject.AdditionalItems["syntaxHighlight"] = new Dictionary<string, object>
["activated"] = false
NOTICE: Requires ASP.NET Core Windows Hosting Bundle. ( install after IIS )