The open-sourced MapReduce Executor plugin is NO LONGER SUPPORTED since Embulk v0.9.18.
If you want to use the open-sourced MapReduce Executor:
- Wait for Embulk v0.10 series, and
- Contribute to this MapReduce Executor plugin to catch up with the Embulk core changes to be done toward Embulk v0.10
- Note that Embulk v0.10 will not support the MapReduce Executor by default unless we receive special contributions.
See also:
runs bulk load tasks of Embulk on a Hadoop YARN cluster, a distributed computing environment.
This executor plugin can partition data by a column before passing records to output plugins. This enables you to partition output files by day, hour or other factors when you load them to a storage.
- config_files list of paths to Hadoop's configuration files (array of strings, default:
) - config overwrites configuration parameters (hash, default:
) - job_name name of the job (string, default:
) - reducers number of reduce tasks. This parameter is used only when
parameter is set (integer, default: same number with input tasks) - retry_tasks retries failed tasks automatically (boolean, default:
)- when partitioning is not used: if retry_tasks is true, map tasks are retried at most
times (default is 4). Reduce tasks don't run. - when partitioning is used: if retry_tasks is true, reduce tasks are retried at most
times (default is 4). Mapper tasks are retried regardless of this option.
- when partitioning is not used: if retry_tasks is true, map tasks are retried at most
- libjars additional jar files to run this MapReduce application (array of strings, default:
) - state_path path to a directory on the default filesystem (usually HDFS) to store temporary progress report files (string, default:
) - partitioning partitioning strategy. see below (hash, default: no partitioning)
- type: timestamp only
is supported for now. (enum, required) - column name of timestamp or long column used for partitioning. (string, required)
- unit "hour" or "day" (enum, required)
- timezone: UTC only "UTC" is supported for now. (string, optional)
- unix_timestamp_unit unit of the unix timestamp if type of the column is long. "sec", "milli" (for milliseconds), "micro" (for micorseconds), or "nano" (for nanoseconds). (enum, default:
) - map_side_partition_split distributes one partition into multiple reducers. This option is helpful when only a few reducers out of many reducers take long time. This splits one partition into smaller chunks. (integer, default:
- type: timestamp only
- exclude_jars: glob pattern to exclude jar files. e.g.
[log4j-over-slf4j.jar, log4j-core-*]
(array of strings, default:[]
) - local_mode_input_tasks: executes tasks using local threads instead of distributed MapReduce if number of input tasks is equal or less than this parameter (integer, default: 0). Setting this to 1 or 2 is useful to improve performance because starting a MapReduce job can take longer time than running a small transaction. Note:
option is local mode is enabled. This will be fixed in a future release by implementing pseudo MapReduce execution that performs partitioning using local threads.
You can optionally set partitioning
parameter to partition records before writing them to output.
If you set partitioning
parameter, mappers run input and filter plugins, and reducers run output plugins.
If you don't set partitioning
parameter, mappers run all of input, filter and output plugins. Reducers do nothing.
It is built for Hadoop YARN 2.6.0 but also works with Hadoop YARN 2.4.0.
Non-partitioning example:
type: mapreduce
- /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml
- /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml
- /etc/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml
fs.defaultFS: "hdfs://"
yarn.resourcemanager.hostname: ""
dfs.replication: 1
mapreduce.client.submit.file.replication: 1
state_path: embulk/
Partitioning example:
type: mapreduce
- /etc/hadoop/conf/core-site.xml
- /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml
- /etc/hadoop/conf/mapred-site.xml
fs.defaultFS: "hdfs://"
yarn.resourcemanager.hostname: ""
dfs.replication: 1
mapreduce.client.submit.file.replication: 1
state_path: embulk/
type: timestamp
unit: hour
column: updated_at
unix_timestamp_unit: milli
reducers: 3
This command builds the gem package to ./pkg/ directory:
./gradlew gem
embulk gem install embulk-executor-mapreduce
The unit tests run on hadoop with standalone mode.
./gradlew classpath test