codeKrafters website for bootcamp Group Project 2
Task - Create a website using React to highlight what we have learned on the bootcamp course.
Developers - Group 9 (see 'Authors and Acknowledgements' section below)
Completed - 22nd Mar 2024
The codeKrafters website is an example of an e-commerce website application for selling software and development services.
The following acceptance criteria was set for the project :
You and your group will use everything you’ve learned to create a real-world client-side single-page application that you’ll be able to showcase to potential employers. The user story and acceptance criteria will depend on the project that you create, but your project must fulfill the following requirements:
* Must use ReactJS.
* Must use Node.
* Must have both GET and POST routes for retrieving and adding new data.
* Must deploy this application using Netlify.
* Must utilize at least two libraries, packages, or technologies that we haven't discussed.
* Must have a polished front end/UI.
* Must meet good quality coding standards (indentation, scoping, naming).
* Have a quality README (with unique name, description, technologies used, screenshot, and link to deployed application).
During the process of working on this project we have learned more about the javascript coding, including the use of arrays of React (sliders, modal screens, navigation, etc.), Tailwind and other technologies.
Open the website
No installation is required.
Open the website at the home page.
Browse the Home page to read about our business model and our products.
Open the Our Products page to view All of our products
Click on the 'View Details' button of any product to view its details in the Product Details modal popup.
Add products to the basket via the Product Petails.
Send us messages from the Contact Us page.
note : this feature is not currently functional.
Make payment to us from the Basket page.
note : this feature is not currently functional.
Due to time constraints, there was no formal testing (TDD, UAT, etc) during the development of the website, although every component was extensively tested by its developer and again by the project group upon completion and integration.
During the project we studied and used extracts of various code supplied by the Bootcamp when teaching the previous modules. We also referenced various online resources including those listed below.
react navigation with paramegters
No licence is currently associated with this project.
- Emily Grivot
- Niloufar Oshaghi
- Kazim Ozdil
- Kacper Wolak
- Steven Hannay