The pyfinite
package is a python package for dealing with finite
fields and related mathematical operations. Also included is a generic
matrix package for doing matrix operations over generic fields. As an
illustration a Reed-Solomon erasure correcting code implementation is
provided using these tools.
Roughly speaking a "field" is a mathematical space where consistent addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations are defined. A "finite field" is a field where the number of elements is finite. Perhaps the most familiar finite field is the Boolean field where the elements are 0 and 1, addition (and subtraction) correspond to XOR, and multiplication (and division) work as normal for 0 and 1.
More complicated finite fields are useful and interesting for cryptography and erasure correcting codes.
After you install via something like pip install pyfinite
, the best way to get started is to look at the doctest examples in the following files:
: See docstring forFField
classes.- This shows you how to work with finite fields.
: See docstring forGenericMatrix
class.- This shows you how to do matrix operations on a generic field.
: See docstring forRSCode
class.- This shows you how to do Reed-Solomon erasure correcting codes.
: See the top-level docstring for thefile_ecc
module.- Shows you how to encode a file into multiple pieces and decode from a subset of those pieces.
For example, after you install pyfinite
and start the python
interpreter, do something like the following to see help on finite
>>> from pyfinite import ffield
>>> help(ffield.FField)
or if you want to dive right in, you can try something like the following:
>>> from pyfinite import ffield
>>> F = ffield.FField(5) # create the field GF(2^5)
>>> a = 7 # field elements are denoted as integers from 0 to 2^5-1
>>> b = 15
>>> F.ShowPolynomial(a) # show the polynomial representation of a
'x^2 + x^1 + 1'
>>> c = F.Multiply(a,b) # multiply a and b modulo the field generator
>>> c
>>> F.ShowPolynomial(c)
Alternatively, you can jump into the
package with
something like:
>>> import genericmatrix
>>> v = genericmatrix.GenericMatrix((3,3))
>>> v.SetRow(0,[0.0, -1.0, 1.0])
>>> v.SetRow(1,[1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
>>> v.SetRow(2,[1.0, 1.0, -1.0])
>>> v
0.0 -1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 -1.0>
>>> vi = v.Inverse()
Then for some real fun, you can try experimenting with generic matrix
operations on elements of a finite field! The nice thing about the
module is that it only relies on the standard python
arithmetic operators so you can use it for anything with sane +
, *
, and /
operators. See the help on genericmatrix
for more
Finally, if you just want erasure correction, see the docs for
the rs_code
and file_ecc
modules via something like
>>> import rs_code, file_ecc
>>> help(file_ecc)
>>> help(rs_code)
This code was written many years ago and hosted on an old MIT web site
under the name py_ecc
before being moved to github. It is in need of
some love. In particular, it could use:
- Reworking to fix pep8/pylint warnings and generally better python style.
- More documentation.
- More examples.
- Travis setup to verify doctests in both python2 and python3.
- These have been manually verified but it would be nice to have a setup which can run tests on multiple versions of python in an automated way.
To help or contribute please see the main project site at