This forum has been built for Turkey's Parkinson Desiess patients. It's a non-profit organization. Patients and patients' caregivers can share their comments, ideas, happiness.
- HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript
- Laravel, Vue.js, Tailwind
- Users can create threads
- Users can reply threads
- Thread owner can mark a thread as a best reply
- Admin can do CRUD operations on threads and replies
- Admin can add categories for threads
- Admin can lock threads
- Threads can be filtered by categories, popular, newest, not-replied
- Admin can block users
- CMS: Thanks to editor.js, block-styled editor.
- Designing database
- It's the first project I used Laravel and Vue together. It helps me to understand Vue.
- If I create this project in today's knowledge, I definitely separate API and frontend.
- Better understanding of Laravel
- Understand polymorphic relationships
- Better understanding relational database
Follow the steps below in order to run the project.
- Run the following commands from the terminal.
git clone
cd forum
composer install
npm install
php artisan key:generate
cp .env.exemple .env
Open the .env file. Enter your database information correctly.
php artisan migrate --seed
. -
php artisan serve
. -
Go to config/admin.php and add your email to array.
Go to /register page and register yourself according to admin email settings.
Go to /admin page and manage your site.
👤 Emir Sağıt
- GitHub: @emirsagit
- Twitter: @emirsagit
- LinkedIn: Emir Sağıt
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.