- Next.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, NetlifyCMS
- Tagging: organizes posts by tags
- Filtering: instantly filtering posts by tag
- Custom Scroll Bar: About section has a custom titled scrollbar which shows where you're while reading and by clicking it you can scroll to content.
- Pagination: limits the number of posts per page
- CMS: built with Netlify CMS to allow editors to modify content
- Custom design: Custom design pages created with pure CSS.
- First of all, I created this project for a psychologist. Requirements are:
- Black and white-colored desing.
- Custom scrollbar.
- Instant filtering posts with tags like a webpage she showed me.
- Fast web application whose pages will instantly load.
- Author can edit and create the posts
- Seo optimized website
- To create your app first clone it. Then open your terminal,
into the directory you'd like to create the app in, and run the following command:
npm run dev
If you want to use it on Netlify CMS follow this instructions on Netlify
- I've customize Next.js blog template for Netlify boilerplate template. Thanks for creating this beautiful boilerplate.
- Demo images taken from Unsplash
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
This project is MIT licensed.