- Pure javaScript Game with HTML and CSS
- First of all it's a simple Pacman game run on the browser
- Ghosts follow Pacman. If they see Pacman inside the walls, they follow it unless Pacman hides behind the walls.
- When Pacman eats power pellets ghosts begin to move randomly.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
To get a local copy up and running first you need to clone the repo. After that, open index.html with your browser.
👤 Emir Sağıt
- GitHub: @emirsagit
- Twitter: @emirsagit
- LinkedIn: Emir Sağıt
Thanks to the Scrimba. I learned front-end development main concepts.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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This project is MIT licensed.